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Nat's POV:

Despite the silence that meets me, my black widow feeling tells me that I'm not alone here. What if S.I.E.L.D. or even worse Hydra is here waiting for me? I mean, I'm public enemy number one right now and everyone wants me at all costs. I have to tread carefully, because normally my instincts have never been wrong.

With my gun raised, I walk slowly and quietly through the corridors of the caravan. I have to be careful not to make a single sound, because whoever is in here could be dangerous as hell.
I walk through the kitchen and the dining corner - check
But I can see a empty chips package laying on the dining table. That would mean, that someone definitely is or was in my caravan.
I look in all sorts of hiding places along the way, under the table, behind the door, in the cupboards - check
I walk on and find a kind of living room. Once again, I look in every possible hiding place - check

But I'm starting to get the feeling that my instincts were wrong. I mean, I've already been through half of this caravan and there's still no sign of anyone. But at least I can take out shield and Hydra for once, because they would definitely attack with all the agents they could find.

With my weapon still pointed forward, I make my way to the other compartment of the caravan. I guess to the sleeping area. I walk down the long corridor until I come to a small door on the right. Fortunately, it's ajar, so I can take a quick look inside.

Luckily, there's a mirror right in my line of vision, so I can look behind the door. No one to be seen again. To be on the safe side, I quickly open the door and let my weapon wander along the room.
I check all the possible hiding places again - check

Only one room remains, the bedroom. I slowly re-enter the hallway and head for the last door of the caravan. Of course it was closed. There must be some crazy idiot behind it with a gun who will shoot me as soon as I open the door.

Why am I so nervous? Natasha pull yourself together, you're not a little kid anymore, you're a fucking assassin. You've been trained to act without morals and to kill anyone without a second thought.

No matter who is behind the door now, you have to shoot him or her. This is your trailer, not theirs, and you don't want to die or go to jail right now.

Well, I don't think there's anyone who can kill me that easily, but you never know.

So now I stand in front of the closed door and take a deep breath. I make sure once again that my gun is loaded and ready to fire, even though I've been doing this repeatedly for the last 20 minutes.

I close my eyes for a moment and then jerk the door open. I am met by a dark room. 'Who's here? Come out or I'll shoot you! I have a loaded Jarygin PJa and I'm not afraid to use it!' I literally scream into the dark and silent room.

Tilda's POV:

I was woken up by a slight rustling sound, which was definitely coming from outside. You see, when you live with someone who can beat the living daylights out of you at any time, your body eventually reacts to the smallest of noises and wakes you up from even the deepest of sleeps in seconds.

'It's probably just an animal,' I whisper quietly to myself, trying to calm myself down somehow. However, this didn't happen when I heard someone getting into the caravan. I quickly pulled the comforter over my head, hoping that I could somehow find some protection. 'Oh God, what if it's Dave? What if he's somehow found me and is taking me back to his house? He's probably super evil and won't let me get away so easily this time.'

I listen as the person slowly walks through the whole caravan opening every door they could see. 'Please don't let it be Dave, please' I literally beg anyone who can hear me. Be it God or someone else.

I can hear the person making their way towards the bedroom, but stopping at the bathroom. The person is going exactly the same way as I did earlier when I was looking for someone. It's kind of funny when you think that we're looking for the same thing. Well, I would actually laugh about it, but in the situation I'm in right now, I don't feel like laughing. I'd rather cry and hide somewhere where no one will ever find me in 10 years.

Suddenly it's quiet again and I can feel my heart literally leaping out of my chest. I burrow further into bed and under the blankets, hoping that if the person comes in and I can't see them, they won't be able to see me either.

I am brought out of my thoughts again when the door opens in one go. Because of my position and the blanket, I couldn't see who was standing at the door. Was it Dave? Wasn't it Dave? I have no idea and I'm about to shit my pants.

Suddenly a loud, female voice rang out, almost screaming 'Who's here? Come out or I'll shoot you! I have a loaded Jarygin PJa and I'm not afraid to use it!'

I don't know whether to be happy or scared. I mean on the one hand, it's not Dave, which makes me really happy. But on the other hand, the person has just threatened to shoot me. I don't know what to do. Should I jump out and hope I don't die or stay here and hope she doesn't see me?

'I know there's someone in here, so come out. Either you cooperate or it's going to hurt and believe me I know more torture methods than you'd like. At that moment, the bedroom light switched on.

By this time I already had tears in my eyes. I don't want to die, I didn't run away from Dave to get into the hands of the next killer.
'I said come out!'

I flinched at the volume of the voice and slowly pulled the covers off my head to reveal myself to my potential killer.

The Girl From The Woods ~ Natasha Romanoff × Adopted Daughter Where stories live. Discover now