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Tilly's POV:

As I was leaving the room with Thor, he suddenly picks me up and literally throws me over his shoulder. At first I was very shocked but then I couldn't help but laugh. Thor was really funny and while he was carrying me, he kept jumping up and down and I kept flying up and down with him. It was very funny.

Soon we arrived in a large room with a huge TV on the wall. There were beanbags on the floor and a large sofa in the corner. The windows were blacked out, so the room was quite dark.

Thor dropped me onto a beanbag and then gave me a controller. He plugged in the TV and asked me which game I wanted to play. I decided on Mario Kart. Even though I'd never played it before, it looked really fun and Thor said it was a lot of fun too. Apparently you play a car race in this game, but with funny looking characters. Of course I picked a princess because she looked very pretty but not as pretty as mommy.

Thor and I played for a while until mom came into the room and said that we had played enough for today. She said we had already played for 2 hours, although I'm pretty sure it wasn't 2 hours.
"Stop pouting and come here Tilly. Wanda has made some delicious dinner!"
A/N: Okay so guys, I need your help. I'm sorry but I'm from Europe and despite all the English books I've read, I still can't get behind your meals.
When do you eat like a hot meal and what is it called? Because I don't know..

"But mom, we weren't even done playing yet! I was about to win!"
"Right, please let us play some more Lady Natasha. The little one is really good."
"Nope I'm sorry guys. You can play for another hour tonight, but no more than that." Mom said sternly and picked me up and settled me down on her hip.

"Come on, stop pouting baby. You must be hungry, right?" Mom asked me while tickling my sides. I jerked and tried to push myself away from her, but with no success because mommy is simply much stronger than me.
"Mommy Stop!" I shouted as I continued to try and push away from her.
"Will you stop pouting then?"
"Yes" I said and rested my head on her shoulder. She kissed my head and went into the kitchen.

Wanda was already waiting for us in the kitchen and had put three plates of soup on the counter.
"Hey guys, I've made us some soup." Wanda replied with a big smile.
"Wands," I said quietly and held my arms out to her. I don't want to be with Natty right now, she's mean. She tickled me and tells me not to pout. I pout then and where I want!

Luckily, Wanda quickly took me and put me on her hip. When I looked at Natty, I gave her a glare and stuck my tongue out at her.
"Ohhh what did mom do to you. Was she bad to you?" Wanda asked me, amused.
"Yes. Mom bad" Mom raised an eyebrow and looked at me with a look that would say 'choose your next words wisely'.
"What did mommy do honey?"
"Mommy said no to playing with Thor and no to pouting!" I said, crossing my arms in front of my body and trying to put on the angriest look I could.

But instead of them taking me seriously, they both laughed quietly, which made me even angrier. I wriggled in Wanda's arms until she set me down on the floor. I sat down on the floor between the two of them and crossed my arms again, pouting.
"Aww baby, I'm sorry, come here." Mom said, kneeling down in front of me and stretching her arms towards me. Ha as if she thinks I'm going to come to her that easily now!
"No! I'm mad!"

"Okay, let me give you an apology hug." Mom held her arms out to me again and pouted when I didn't go to her right away. I continued to look her in the eye for a few seconds until I gave up and let her hug me, after all, I think mommy is really sorry. She picked me up from the floor and gave me a big hug.

"Do you forgive me baby?"
"But only if I get ice cream for dessert!" She just laughed at my answer and agreed. I'm no longer angry with my mom, but I am with Wanda! I'll definitely have to think of something to get back at her. After all, she also laughed at me when I was angry.

After we'd eaten our soup, Mom gave me my ice cream as promised. Of course I had chocolate ice cream. I mean, who doesn't like chocolate ice cream? Wanda had apologized to me during dinner, but I think I will still play a little trick on her.

After dinner, I painted a little with Mom until she was called away by Tony.

Nat's POV:

I was colouring with Tilly when Tony came in and said he needed me. I quickly handed Tilly over to Wanda and followed Tony to his lab where Mr. Murdock was already waiting for us.

"Good afternoon," he greeted us and I shook his hand.
"Good afternoon, what can I help you with?"
"I didn't want to bother you for long, I need a few more forms signed and I wanted to ask if you've already spoken to Mathilda about the adoption."
"Yes, of course," I said and quickly signed the forms, "And yes, I've already spoken to Mathilda. She would definitely like to stay here with me."

"All right, that's nice. I'll get some more forms ready then. I've already spoken to the court and we're lucky, we've got an appointment quite soon, I'll send you the exact date and time later. Now I'm just waiting for a reply from Mathilda's father or rather his lawyer and then we can get her to be your official daughter."
"Perfect, thank you, I'm looking forward to it." I said goodbye to Mr. Murdock and made my way to the living room to see Tilly.

But when I got there, I didn't see Tilly and Wanda painting quietly, as I had left them, but was confronted by a Tilly who was painting the face of a sleeping Wanda with her markers.

First of all, I apologize for taking so long. I've been very busy with school over the last few weeks because it was exam time. But now I have two weeks of Easter vacation, which means I have enough time to write again!

The Girl From The Woods ~ Natasha Romanoff × Adopted Daughter Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt