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Nat's POV:

While Tilly and I were hanging in the air and trying in vain to free ourselves, Wanda came closer and closer to us until she was standing in front of us. I then asked her to let us down again because the position I was in was very uncomfortable. I don't know about Tilly, but I hoped that she was a bit more comfortable than I was.
"I'm not letting you down until I'm done with you!" Wanda called out to us.

Well, that could take longer. I looked over at Tilly to make sure she was okay but saw that she was trying hard to stifle tears. My poor baby. Wanda must have frightened her a bit with her powers and the fact that she is now suddenly floating in the air certainly doesn't help her feel any better.

All you could hear was a little 'I'm sorry Wanda' until she let a tear fall. I looked at Wanda to ask her once again to let us down. Wanda looked first at Tilly and then at me. Her look told me that she had heard Tilly just like I had and knew that something was probably wrong.

Quickly but surely, she put us down and I slowly walked over to Tilly.
"Hey Детка, are you okay?" I asked as I sat down on the floor next to her. Tilly was tense at first when I sat next to her, but quickly relaxed again and crawled into my lap. She buried her head in my neck and I slowly rubbed her back.

"Did Wanda scare you Детка?" She nodded slightly and buried herself even more in my arms. I looked behind me, where Wanda was still standing, with a guilty look on her face. Poor thing, she didn't want to scare Tilly. I waved her over because I felt really sorry for her, it wasn't her intention to scare Tilly.

Wanda slowly walked over to us and sat down on the floor next to me. She stroked Tilly's head, who tilted her head slightly and looked at Wanda.
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you. You don't need to be afraid of my powers either." She said gently. But Tilly shook her head and took Wanda's hand in hers.

"Детка, wasn't it Wanda's powers that scared you?" I asked, because she didn't look like she was afraid of Wanda.
"No" she said and cuddled up to me again.
"Then what scared you baby?" She looked at me and I nodded at her to tell her to go ahead and say it.
"Dave" she just said and immediately understood what she meant. Wanda's tone of voice and her 'I'm not putting you down until I'm done with you' must have scared her enough to make her think back to that asshole named Dave.

A glance at Wanda told me that she was still extremely clueless and I whispered to her that I would explain it to her later, whereupon she nodded and we sat together on the floor for a while.

After a while, Tilly moved to Wanda's lap and traced the painted lines on her face with her fingers. Sometimes she giggled a little bit, probably remembering how they came to be.
"Don't think you're getting off that easy baby." Wanda said, starting to tickle Tilly. This went on for a few minutes until Wanda finally found her peace and continued cuddling with Tilly.

Wanda's POV:

After what happened, I've decided that I'm just going to tickle Tilly as punishment. I'll have to think of something else for Nat though.

After I tickled Tilly for a few minutes, we cuddled some more until I had a very good idea for Nat.
"Pssst Til, mom hasn't had her punishment yet. What do you think if we make her bake us cookies while we both watch a movie?" I asked Tilly quietly so that Nat wouldn't notice. However, the look on her face told me that she had heard it very clearly and wasn't happy about it. Because if there's one thing Nat hates, it's baking.

"If you like, Mom can make cookies. So what do you think, do you agree?"
"Yes!" She shouted and threw her arms around my neck.

"Have fun!" I grinned at Nat and winked at her. "Til and I will be in the living room when you're done," and with that I got up and walked over to the living room with Tilly, where luckily we didn't run into anyone, which meant we had our peace and quiet.

We decided on the movie Mulan and settled in together and waited for Nat to finish making cookies.

Nat's POV:

While I baked the cookies I thought about salting the cookies or putting chili in at Wanda's, but then I thought that it will only end in a bigger disaster than it already has.

I mean, I'm standing here in the kitchen right now and I have to bake. I hate baking.

After what felt like an eternity, I'm finally done and can take the cookies over to Wanda and Tilly. The two of them sat cuddled up together on the couch and watched a Disney movie, but I don't know which one because I don't know anything about Disney movies.

"Cookies are ready!" When I shouted this, both their heads turned towards me at the speed of light. Tilly jumped up and ran to me, I had to hold the cookies up a little higher so that she couldn't snatch the plate out of my hand.

"Calm down Tilly, let's go to Wanda and share the cookies with her okay?"
"Okay" so we went over to Wanda, who was already making room for me and Tilly on the couch. Tilly climbed onto my lap as soon as I sat down and immediately grabbed a cookie.

Wanda quickly followed suit and it wasn't long before they were both reaching for a second one.
"I think you should bake cookies more often Nat"
"No way, nope, not up for debate at all." Wanda and Tilly laughed and we continued watching the movie together.

After a while, the movie ended and Wanda decided to leave us alone and go upstairs to finally wash her face off. After all, it was still full of Tilly's scribbles.

Heyy I hope this chapter was ok. I wasn't really satisfied with it, but some people already wrote to me, so I thought I'd just upload it

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