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Nat's POV:

I walked into the living room and there was Yelena lying on the couch, asleep. I walked closer to her and knocked her legs off the couch because she was lying on it with her shoes on.

She woke up immediately and yelled
"What the..." she looked around until her eyes met mine and she gave me an annoyed look.

"What was that all about Natasha?" She asked, annoyed.
"Your shoes. I thought mother had taught you not to go on the couch with dirty shoes."
"Yes, yes. Now that I'm awake anyway, can you at least tell me why I should come here so quickly?" She straightened up and sat down on the couch normally. I sat down next to her and turned so that I was facing her.

"So, the Avengers and I have to go on an important mission to stop a runaway purple alien from destroying the world. I can't say much more about it, but I need you to watch someone for me for this time."

"Aww did you finally get a dog too? Fanny you're going to be an uncle!" She called out to her dog Fanny, who was already wagging his tail excitedly.
"No, I'm sorry Yelena, I didn't get a dog." I was just about to go on and tell her about Tilly when she interrupted me.
"Oh man. And what is it I'm supposed to look after then? Please don't say a fish. They are so boring."

"Now please let me finish, and no, it's not a fish either." I said and saw Yelena grimace when I told her to let me finish.

"So a few weeks ago, I was in our caravan hideaway in Norway and found a little girl there, whose name is Mathilda, or Tilly. She no longer had a mother and lived with her father, who didn't treat her well. I don't know many details but from what I know, it doesn't sound good. I don't know why, but something inside me told me to look after her, so I took her with me."

"So you want me to look after a little kid who's going to annoy me all the time, just mess up and ruin everything?"
"Come off it, Mathilda is lovely and you'll like her. She doesn't fuck up anything and isn't annoying at all. I'm more worried that she'll be annoyed by you."
"Hey!" she shouted and hit me on the arm.

"Come on, go into the kitchen first, make yourself a coffee and something to eat and I'll wake Tilly up while you're doing that. Unfortunately, we have to leave in less than two hours, but we'll be fine."

So I went upstairs to my room, which was still dark because Tilly was still asleep and the curtains were closed. I walked quietly to the bed and sat down so that my back was against the headboard. Tilly realized in her sleep that someone was sitting next to her and moved her body directly in my direction. Her head was next to my thigh and she wrapped her arms around my leg. I stroked a strand of hair from her face and behind her ear and repeated this until she woke up.

"Good morning baby, did you sleep well?" I asked her.
Still sleepy, she sat up a little and rubbed her eyes.
"Mhm" she replied. I pulled her close so that she was sitting on my lap and we both looked at each other. My arms fell behind her body and drew patterns in her back.

"Baby, do you remember where I told you yesterday that my sister was coming to look after you today?"
"Aunt Yelena?" She asked quietly, still tired.
"Yes, that's right baby, Aunt Yelena. She's already here and waiting for you downstairs. She's super excited to meet you!"

Tilly wasn't too keen on the idea, but I don't think it was because of Yelena, but because I was going away. I think Tilly still thinks I'm going to leave her completely and not come back. No matter how many times I told her that I would come back. Every time she didn't completely believed me. I think she's just been let down and abandoned so many times that she no longer trusts anyone who says they'll come back.

But I want to change that. I want her to believe me and that when I say I'll come back to her, I'll really come back. I will definitely keep my promise.

After I was able to convince Tilly a little more, we went downstairs together to the kitchen, where we met Yelena and Wanda.
"Good morning Nat, good morning Til!" Wanda replied, who was making pancakes.

"Tilly, this is my sister Yelena, can you say hello?" I asked Tilly as I took her in my arms and walked over to Yelena. Yelena was sitting on a chair behind the kitchen counter. She turned to us and waved to Tilly.

"You must be the famous Mathilda, I've heard so much about you!" Said Yelena.
"Hello aunt Yelena. Did you bring your dog? Mom said you have a dog." Tilly immediately asked curiously about the dog.
"Of course I've got my dog with me! We can see him in a minute, let's just eat something first, okay?"

To be honest, I would never have thought that Yelena was so good with children. After what she said earlier about how annoying children are, she's doing the complete opposite here. But I'm very happy that Yelena gets on so well with Tilly, after all, they are the most important people in my life.

I sat down on a chair next to Yelena and put Tilly down on my lap. Wanda handed us three plates of pancakes and we ate together while making light conversation.

When we had finished eating, it was time for me to get ready and put on my suit. I let Yelena and Tilly play with Fanny on their own so that they could get used to each other. After all, they would be spending the next few hours, if not a few days, on their own.

By the time I had finished everything, it was almost time to leave. So I went back to Tilly to say goodbye to her.
"Hey baby, Mama has to go now. Do you think you can be good to Auntie Yelena while I'm not here?" As soon as I told her that I had to leave right now, tears welled up in her eyes. She ran to me and threw her arms around my legs.

"No mama, please don't go! Please don't go! I'm sorry, I'll be good I promise please don't go!" She kept saying.
"Baby, listen to me." I said and took her head in my hands.
"I'm not leaving because you were bad or anything, which by the way, you weren't at all. On the contrary, you're such a good big girl, but mommy has to do something really important and save people, you know?" I said gently. I don't want her to think that I'm leaving because of her or that I'm leaving because she was bad in her opinion.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise you that my darling, and in the meantime you'll have a lot of fun with Aunt Yelena."
"But I want to have fun with you mama!" Now she was crying even more. I took her in my arms and swung us back and forth until she calmed down again. I was just about to say something when Tony came into the room holding two wristwatches in his hands.
"I might have a solution to your problem Natasha."

Heyy, finally managed to write a new chapter again. I'll try to do another one this week
Btw are any of you Taylor Swift fans? And if so, what do you think of the new album?
Well, the first time I heard it I wasn't really convinced but after listening to it several times I love it. It might even become one of my favorite albums.

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