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Tilda's POV:

Tasha, Wanda and I just watched Cinderella in Tasha's room and I have to say, I really like the movie. Cinderella is so beautiful, almost as beautiful as Tasha. When I grow up, I would like to be as beautiful as Tascha.

I lie cuddled up in bed between Tascha and Wanda and we eat some popcorn, M&M's and a few cookies. I wish I could lie like this forever, next to my two new favorite people, who I've only known for a few days but already love very much.

It didn't take long for me to get tired and I noticed that my eyes were slowly closing. I only felt someone stroking my hair until I finally fell asleep.

Wanda's POV:

I really couldn't be happier. When Mathilda asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with her and Nat, I was so happy. Tilda is such a sweet little girl who just deserves the world and of course I won't say no to spending time with her and Nat.

I've always considered Nat more than just a friend, however, I don't think she feels the same. But I definitely don't want to bring it up with her because I don't want to risk our friendship. Of course I would like to have more than just a friendship with her, but it could all go wrong if I bring it up. She could get angry or end our friendship. I don't want that either. Then I'd rather stay friends with her and hide my feelings than lose everything.

After Mathilda fell asleep, Nat and I finished watching the movie.
"Do you want to watch another movie?" Nat asked me.
"Sure, which one do you want to watch?"
"I don't care, you can pick."
"How about Friends?" I love that show, no matter when I'm sad or just need some comfort, I turn it on.

"Ohh, that's a good one. Good idea!"
We watch the show together, being careful not to be too loud so as not to accidentally wake the little one.

An hour later, I notice someone moving next to me and then groaning softly. I look next to me and see Mathilda slowly waking up. Nat seems to have noticed this too, because she pauses the TV and turns in Tilda's direction.
"Hello sleepyhead, did you sleep well?" She asks Tilda as she strokes her back to wake her up a little more.

I have to say, Nat is pretty good with kids. I know what happened to her in the Red Room and I also know how much she's always wanted children of her own.
It's just nice to see her so happy with a child now. Tilda may not biologically be Nat's child, but if there's one thing I've learned from Nat, it's that blood doesn't mean family.

"Are you hungry baby?" I ask Tilda as I brush a strand of hair out of her face.
"What do you like to eat?"
"I decide?"
"Yes, you decide. No matter what you want."
"Then I want pasta. But with tomato sauce! Please?"
"All right, then I'd better go into the kitchen and start cooking for the little princess!" I say as I nudge her nose with my finger and she giggles slightly.

Nat's POV:

"Hey Tilly, what do you say we give you a bath huh?" As soon as I said that sentence, there was nothing but panic on Tilly's face. Oh God, what have I got us into again.
"Hey, hey, everything's fine Детка, you don't need to be scared." I scoot closer to her and gently wrap my arms around her little body.

I can feel her trembling with fear and it breaks my heart again. She is such a small, innocent child and yet had to experience so many bad things.
"Shhhh it's okay, I'm here, you're safe." I continued to speak comforting words to her, hoping to reassure her further.

"Baby, do you want to tell me why you don't want to have a bath?" I asked her after she had calmed down a little.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I swear!" she almost begged. If this is another one of her father's sick shits, then I swear his death will be even worse than it will already be.

"Little girl, I promise you, I'm not mad or anything. Everything's fine, you're safe here with me." I hold her a little closer to me and rock us slightly back and forth.
"I'm sorry Natty" it took everything in me not to awe at that nickname. Every minute the little one gets cuter and cuter.
"Nothing there, you don't apologize for something like that. Okay?"

"Mhm, okay"
"Thanks baby. Is it okay if we give you a bath now? I promise nothing will happen to you." I notice how tense Tilly gets as soon as I mention the word bath.
"With you?"
"You want to have a bath with me?" I was a bit surprised, I mean I have no problem with it at all but I didn't think she would trust me enough to take a bath with me.

"Yes please"
"Okay, sure." With Tilly on my arm, I first fill the bathtub with the right temperature of the water and then go through the bathroom and collect all the things I would need.
"Tilly darling, what kind of bubbles do you want? Should they smell like strawberries or coconut?" I show her both bottles so she can see exactly what she could to choose from. After a few seconds, she points to the strawberry bottle and I put a good amount of strawberry bubbles in the bath.

"Are you ready, Tilly? Can we take our clothes off?"
"Mhm" So I started to undress myself first and then Tilly. When we were both ready, I went into the bathroom and sat Tilly in my lap. As soon as we were seated, she turned so that we were both looking at each other.

Tilly looks up at me and I look down at her and smile lovingly at her. She looks me in the eye and smiles widely at me too.

After a few minutes in the bath, Tilly leaned further towards me so that she was leaning against me. Her head rested on my shoulder while she played with my necklace. I slowly rocked us back and forth and softly hummed a lullaby to her. Tilly soon fell asleep and half an hour later I decided to get out of the bath. I dried us both off and changed into fresh clothes.

Hey guys,
I'm really sorry that I'm only now publishing a new part, but I've been really busy with school. I'm currently working on another part, which will probably be out tomorrow.
Love you guys and stay safe <3

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