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Nat's POV:

I was sitting in my room with Tilly reading a book when JARVIS announced a meeting of Tony's in five minutes. Since everyone had to be in the meeting and no one could watch Tilly, I took her with me downstairs.

We were one of the first in the meeting room, alongside Steve and Wanda. In time, the rest of the Avengers came together and sat around the table. We made light conversation and asked each other what could be so important until Fury came through the door with Maria.

He looked around once until his gaze stopped on me and Tilly.
"What's a child doing here Romanoff?" He asked in a cold voice.
"This child is my child and with all due respect but if you have a problem with that then so be it, she's not going anywhere."
"Romanoff, I don't care what you do in your spare time, I was just asking a question."
"And I was just answering your question sir."

"Whoa okay, now before this escalates here, Fury, this is Mathilda, Mathilda, this is Fury, our boss." Tony interjected before Fury and I were at each other's collars.
"Mom, he's a pirate!" Whispered Tilly to me as if it was a top secret.
"Yeah I know, pretty cool right?" I replied, also in a whisper.

"Avengers," Fury spoke up again, bringing our attention back to the front.
"We were able to determine the location of Thanos. At the moment he's only missing one stone, which is here on Earth. In Wakanda, to be precise. I want all the Avengers with me. We have to stop Thanos, otherwise there could be serious consequences for us."

My only concern at this point was what to do with Tilly during this time. There's no way I'm going to take her to Wakanda, where some crazy guy is trying to wipe out half the world. I really need to think of something.

"We're getting help from a few other superheroes this time. Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange are going to arrive today, you'll meet the rest in Wakanda. You are leaving tomorrow morning at eight." With that, Fury and Maria walked out again, leaving us alone.

"What are you going to do with Tilly Nat?" Wanda asked me quietly.
"I honestly don't know yet. Taking her with us is definitely out of question. I'll have to call my sister." She would be the only hope now.

As time went on, we slowly left the meeting and went back to where we had been taken from. It was getting late, but as soon as I got back to my room, I called Yelena. I put Tilly on the floor and let her play with her dolls.

It rang a few times until Yelena finally answered.
"Hey Lena."
"Nat is that you?"
"Yes, it's me сестра (sister)"
"Why are you calling? Is something wrong with mom and dad?"
"No, don't worry, they're fine. But I need your help. Urgently."
"Sure, how can I help you?"
"How quickly can you get here?"
"Uhh, a few hours? 5 a.m. at the latest. Why?"
"Perfect. I'll explain when you get there, it's a bit hard to explain. Just come as soon as you can."
"Okay then, see you later"
"See you later. Я люблю тебя. (I love you)"
"Я тоже тебя люблю (I love you too)"

We hung up again and I let out a long breath. I'm really relieved to have found someone who can look after Tilly. I really don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found anyone.

"Tilly baby, can mommy talk to you for a minute?"
"Mhm" she came to me and I pulled her up onto my lap.
"Well Детка, mommy and the others here have to leave tomorrow for a very important mission. But because I don't want to leave you alone, my sister Yelena is coming over tomorrow morning to look after you, okay?"

"You're going away?" She asked me with almost tears in her eyes.
"Yes, but I'll be back as soon as I can, okay? I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with Aunt Yelena. And shall I tell you a secret?" I explained, whispering the question to her.
"Mhm" she nodded, still with tears in her eyes.
"I heard that Aunt Yelena has a dog!"
"Really?" She asked me with wide eyes, to which I nodded.

Ever since I told Tilly about Yelena's dog, she's been really looking forward to it. Fortunately, she is no longer so sad that I am going away. But I think there will definitely be a few tears when we really have to leave in the morning.

As it was already getting late, Tilly and I went to bed together to enjoy our last night together. I told Tony that JARVIS should let her in that night or in the morning, depending on when Yelena comes. I really hope she arrives on time and that there are no problems with the journey or anything.

It wasn't long before Tilly and I fell asleep and were woken up early in the morning by my alarm clock. I let Tilly go back to sleep because it was only 6am and she doesn't normally get up until 9am.

I went downstairs and bumped into Wanda on the way.
"Good morning, how did it go with Yelena yesterday, can she come?"
"Morning, everything went great, she should actually be here by now."

We arrived in the kitchen and met Tony, who was making coffee for us all. We all said good morning and I asked if Tony had seen Yelena yet, as she should have been there by now.
"Yep, I heard her earlier, I think she's on the couch sleeping. Oh, and you didn't tell me she was bringing a dog."
"Okay thanks, I'll wake her up right away and yes, she takes her dog everywhere."

I went into the living room where Yelena was fast asleep on the couch with Fanny on the floor in front of her.

Hey guys, I spontaneously decided to publish a new chapter today. I don't know if I'll be able to publish something in the next few days, as I'm currently ill again but I'll try my best :)

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