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Nat's POV:

With a still sleeping Tilly in my arms, I decided to go to the kitchen, where I ran into Wanda and Tony.
"Nice to see you again Nat!"
"Shut up Tony. I have a sleeping child in my arms and if she wakes up because of you, then God help you that I won't break your arm." At this Tony raised both of his hands in surrender and mumbled a quiet apology.

"Hey Nat, how did it go?"
"It went well, she was scared at first but then she wanted to have a bath with me and then everything went well again. But sweet of you to ask Wands." I could have sworn I could see a blush on her face.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, I hope she's all right now."
"Yes, everything's fine now."

"That's good. By the way, the noodles are ready now, so if you want to eat, help yourselves!"
"Thanks Wanda, but don't you want to eat with us?" I asked when Wanda was already halfway out of the kitchen.
"Oh ehm, I thought I'd give you some time alone."
"Nonsense, come eat with us, you cooked after all so you have a right not eat alone!"
"Okay, thanks Nat."
"No problem love."

Wanda's POV:

The Natasha Romanoff just called me love! Okay Wanda calm down, your cheeks are literally glowing already.
"Are you okay, Wands?"
"YES... I mean yes, I'm fine, thank you." Oh god okay that was embarrassing.
I can already see Nat giving me a smirk so I quickly turn around to avoid her smirk and grab three plates for our pasta instead.

While I was filling our plates with food, Nat woke Tilda up and I made a mental note to never wake Tilda up. I mean, she's cute when she's asleep but when it comes to waking her up, she can quickly turn into a pubescent (a/n: do you say it like that? I'm not really sure..) 15 year old.
But as soon as Tilly saw the noodles, her mood was right back up again.

After we'd all eaten and Tilda literally spreading tomato sauce everywhere, Nat took her upstairs to clean her up, while I stayed in the kitchen and cleaned it up.
After an hour or so they both came back downstairs, but dressed as if they were going out.

As soon as they were both downstairs, Tilda came running to me and crashed into my legs.
"Whoa careful little one. What are you doing?" I asked her and giggled as she wrapped her arms tightly around my legs so I had to hold on to the kitchen counter so I didn't fall over.
"Wanda! Wanda! Wanda!" She shouted as she jumped up and down.
"Yes darling, what's going on?" I finally managed to get her arms off my legs and knelt down to her level.

"Natty wants to go to the zoo with me! And, and I want you to come with me!"
"Hmmm... let me think about it" I pretended to think really hard and took my chin between my two fingers. It was really cute to watch Tilda getting more impatient with every passing second.
"Pleaseeee??" She said while making puppy eyes.

"Okay! Let me get changed and then we can go!"
"Yayy, Natty did you hear that? Wanda's coming with us!"
"Of course I heard that! Come on, let's pack some snacks before we go."

So while Nat and Tilda were still packing things up, I quickly changed and we were able to quickly get into Nat's car to drive to the zoo.
The whole drive Tilda was so excited, she kept telling us about all the animals she knew and which ones she wanted to see at the zoo.
Unfortunately, we had to tell her that she probably wouldn't find a unicorn today, which made her very sad, but she was quickly satisfied with a sheep.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the zoo. Luckily, it wasn't very crowded and we were able to walk through at our own pace. It felt like we had to stop every two minutes so that Tilda could take a close look at each animal and read her information, but it was definitely worth it.

Tilda's POV:

Natty and Wanda took me to the zoo and it was soo nice. I haven't been to a zoo in so long. I think the last time I went was with my mom.

But I saw so many animals. I saw goats, mice, parrots, elephants, tigers, donkeys and many more animals!
But my favorites were the penguins, they are so cute and they walk really funny! Wanda showed me how to walk like a penguin and then we walked with Natty like them.
We also saw a skunk and Natty told me that the animal looks like Tony because he always stinks too! But that's our secret and I'm not allowed to tell anyone.

In between, we also took breaks and ate something, and Natty told me lots of facts about the different animals.
There was even a playground at the zoo and I was allowed to go on the slide with Wanda! That was also really funny.
In the end, Natty even bought me a penguin stuffie and a flamingo for Wanda because she said she really likes flamingos.

By the time we drove back home, it was dark outside again and I was so tired that I fell asleep in the car.

Nat's POV:

The zoo was a really great idea. Tilly had so much fun and just laughed the whole day. By the end she was really exhausted though, which is why she fell asleep in the car after less than five minutes.
When I bought her her penguin, she was so happy that she couldn't wait to show it to the others. I was a bit surprised as she hadn't talked to the others much, if at all, but I'm glad she feels comfortable around them.

Back at the compound, I quietly carried Tilly into the building and then to my room, where I put her to bed so that she could sleep in peace. It was already quite late, so I was sure that she would sleep through until tomorrow.

I quickly got ready for bed too, wished the others a good night and then got into bed next to her. She cuddled up to me very sweetly, still holding her penguin in her arms. I have a feeling that she won't put him down or leave him alone for a while.

Heyy I'm still making up for the parts I missed last week ;)
You don't know how happy I am that you like this story and that you like my writing style/language. It means a lot to me especially because English is not my first language. So thank you<3

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