〉The Last Trace of Lily

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So...where was I? Oh, right. Once again, I am the Seer, and my duty lies in telling the story of two souls to the best of my ability. I have followed them through universes, but I am not done. There are infinite possibilities across time and space, but I am the Seer. It should be an easy task.

You, a wayward reader who stumbled upon my field observations, may have a question: will I interfere? I will answer: I cannot. That will be a job for the higher-ups. I am legally bound to stand on the side and record everything I perceive.

So, without anything to add, I will usher you to the next world I visited. This time, the two souls, Dara and Page, find themselves in a predicament involving memory, fantasy, and reality.

Great. That rhymes.


This is an entry for Aim to Engage 2023, hosted by the Ambassadors profile. This is a contest that runs from November to December, where a flash fiction or a short story must be produced according to a set of prompts. As such, this story is based on the following prompts:

5 - A painter discovers that the images they paint are becoming real, blurring the lines between their art and reality.

30 - Write a story using a flower type as a theme.

Dara, Page, and the Secrets of the MultiverseWhere stories live. Discover now