〉How to Save the Dead

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There are a number of ways people find death

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There are a number of ways people find death. I should know. I am the Seer, and my duty lies in telling a story to the best of my ability. A story that follows two souls across wild and endless possibilities within universes. It has been a rewarding experience, and I ought to jot this down in my application data.

Dear reader, as someone who has stumbled into my otherwise covert operation, you may have a question. This is the answer to said question: I have not interfered, as it is not my task. The higher-ups will take care of interfering when they feel like it. As it was, I am legally bound to stand on the side and record everything I perceive. Hence, the need for these observation reports from my field work.

Without procrastinating on this report, I bring you the next universe I have visited. This time, Dara and Page are on a mountain. With the Dead. Capital D. I have to say, I prefer it if they only have the lowercase one.


This is an entry for Aim to Engage 2023, hosted by the Ambassadors profile. This is a contest that runs from November to December, where a flash fiction or a short story must be produced according to a set of prompts. As such, this story is based on the following prompts:

13 - There is an unexplored jungle on the highest mountain of your city. Nobody wants to go there at night, but what happens when one day you find yourself stranded there when you open your eyes.

8 - Imagine the heart-wrenching dilemma as the one you cherished most becomes an unrecognizable, monstrous zombie. Will you find the courage to make the agonizing choice that both love and morality demand?

Dara, Page, and the Secrets of the MultiverseWhere stories live. Discover now