〉Don't Go Chasing Butterflies

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My work buddy told me insects were spawns of the devil, so I asked them—which one? We have dealt with all kinds of devils over the course of my stay in [REDACTED], and I had to know which of them spouted six-legged, crawly things

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My work buddy told me insects were spawns of the devil, so I asked them—which one? We have dealt with all kinds of devils over the course of my stay in [REDACTED], and I had to know which of them spouted six-legged, crawly things. Might be good material for my next task.

Get to know Dara and Page, two souls whose possible lives I watch over across the multiverse. I am the Seer, and my duty lies in telling their story to the best of my ability. Will I interfere? I cannot. That is a fact I have established since the beginning.

And now, these two souls have found their way to each other at last. In a cafe. I know. Cliche. But there might be something different with this meeting, and butterflies are the last normal thing in it.

[DIVISION ADMINISTRATOR NOTE: Workplace is redacted as it violates the NDA "The Seer" has signed. Employee has been reprimanded and this report has been edited for any sensitive content included.]


This is an entry for Aim to Engage 2023, hosted by the Ambassadors profile. This is a contest that runs from November to December, where a flash fiction or a short story must be produced according to a set of prompts. As such, this story is based on the following prompts:

28 - They say that when you are in love you get butterflies. How about actual butterflies? You are stuck with a weird 'phenomenon' every time you fall in love with someone, butterflies from everywhere start surrounding you and your crush.

24 - Write a quirky story where your characters are meeting for the first time, having a horrible interaction.

Dara, Page, and the Secrets of the MultiverseWhere stories live. Discover now