〉Marks of Destiny, Matches of Fate

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Destiny must have found a way to kick my behind

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Destiny must have found a way to kick my behind. Two souls are joined and pulled apart across these various universes, and as the Seer, it is my duty to tell their story to the best of my ability. My journey, this time, took me to a world where destiny is as eternal as time.

As always, I will not interfere. I cannot. The higher-ups will not like it, and my work buddy will be alone in our joint project. For now, I am legally bound to stand on the side and record everything I perceive, and destiny might be to blame for that.

Without anything more to say about myself, join Dara and Page as they navigate the world of fated partners and doctored love. Destiny sure loves kicking behinds.


This is an entry for Aim to Engage 2023, hosted by the Ambassadors profile. This is a contest that runs from November to December, where a flash fiction or a short story must be produced according to a set of prompts. As such, this story is based on the following prompt:

17 - In a world where soulmates are determined by a magical mark that appears on their skin, a couple struggles with the realization that their marks don't match.

Aim to Engage 2023 hosted by Ambassadors

Dara, Page, and the Secrets of the MultiverseWhere stories live. Discover now