𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. zen'in

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Y/N stood still as she faced the two men in front of her who, as Yaga said, were her real family.

"We finally found you, Y/N" the older man spoke.

This made Y/N even more confused. Who are these people and why did they suddenly show up?

Their aura gave off authority, and Y/N felt like as if she's walking on eggshells.

Seeing her confused look made the older man spoke once again. "Ah, my bad, we haven't introduced ourselves" he started.

"I am Zen'in Naobito, and this is my youngest son, Naoya" he introduced.

Y/N scanned the younger man's figure and oh how she badly wanted to punch the smirk off his face. He was clearly checking her out. Y/N automatically hated the presence of the blonde haired man and wanted nothing to do with him.

If Yaga is just not here and this old man who, after hearing his name, she has come to recognize as the head of the Zen'in clan, she would've threw a blade towards the blonde one.

"I don't see any reason why I should be here" Y/N finally spoke. "I have nothing to do with you"

"Oh sure you do" the man named Naoya said, and hearing his voice made Y/N irk.

"I will no longer beat around the bush as time is running." Naobito said. "Y/N, you are a Zen'in, the missing younger half-sister of..." he never wanted to mention the name but he had to, for her to recognize who she is.

"Toji" he continued.

This suddenly made Y/N laugh which confused them.


"Y/N" Yaga warned, and Y/N finally stopped laughing.

"That's the greatest joke I have ever heard" she says wiping her tears from laughter.

"You damn well should know how to respect men" Naoya spat, annoyed at her sudden laughter.

"Ah, my bad, I thought you weren't a man"

"Y/N!" Yaga's voice boomed.

"What? How do you expect me to suddenly believe this?"

"You were born a special grade, the first of the Zen'in family and the reason why Toji had a heavenly restriction." The old man said.

"Because of you, Toji didn't have cursed energy. And now Maki. It only started since a special grade was said to be born into the family" he then put an envelope in front of the table.

"Read those yourself if you don't believe us that you are a Zen'in" he says. "Your mother hid you well" he added.

"After you've read those, we'll let you stay here as long as you want, but when we summon you to the estate, you are to come. Until then" Zen'in Naobito stood up and walked out, Naoya giving her a smug look before following behind his father.

As the door closed, Y/N looked at Yaga with an angry face. "What the hell is going on?"

"I was taken a back too." Yaga spoke.

"But those files...are true" he said.

Y/N abruptly took the envelope from the table and read all of them.

And it was indeed true. All of the documents there were verified, especially the DNA test, and lastly, there was a diary, and one particular page was bookmarked.

Y/N, I'm sorry I left you in an orphanage. I know, I am the worst mother for leaving you alone. Your father just died and I had no say in the family anymore. But I hope that someday you'll understand why I had to do it. It's also for your own sake. Please forgive me.

Too overwhelmed by what she just learned, she walked out of the principals office without a word, not knowing where she's headed.



Only when someone grabbed her arms that she's pulled back to reality.

"Y/N! What are you thinking?! You almost bumped into a tree!"

"Gojo" she never looked at his direction.

"I need to be alone"

"Huh? What happened?"

"Just...leave me alone for now please"

"No, what happened? Is there something wrong?"

"I said, leave me-"

"I'm not leaving you alone!" He exclaimed and that surprised Y/N. It was the first time he raised his voice like that.

"You've always been there for me when I was down. When I felt weak, when I didn't know what to do." He started. "You never left me, Y/N"

"But when you're having problems, you always shove me away. Why won't you let me be with you at these times?"

Y/N clenched her fists. She doesn't know what to feel, she's having all different emotions that she doesn't know how to react.

"Please, Gojo. I just need to clear my thoughts. I don't want to say something I'll regret, so please..."

Gojo still hesitated, but he slowly let go of her arm. Even with his blindfold on, he can see clearly how hurt she looks like.

"T-thank you" she muttered the moment Gojo let her go, yet yelped in suprise when he suddenly hugged her tight.


"Shh, just for a few seconds" he said.

"Just know that I'm here, okay?" He added.

"I need you to say yes before I let you go" he said, and felt Y/N nod, so he finally let her go.

YN thanked him before walking away.

Gojo clearly remembers those times when Y/N would be there for him when he's sad, angry, tired, hurt. Those times when he felt like the world has ended for him. She was always there, hence why he also wanted to help her whenever.

Deciding to walk back to the main building, he came across Yaga who just exited his office.

"Satoru. Where is Y/N?" He asked.

"I don't know. Why?"

"When you find her, give these to her" Yaga says and shoving an envelope to him.

"What's this?" Gojo questioned.

"It's confidential. Do not open it"

"A mission?" He asked but Yaga did not respond and just waved goodbye.

This suddenly got him curious. Gojo knows well how to respect boundaries when it comes to official documents, yet this one intrigued him. As if something's telling him he should read what's inside. And looking closely, he saw a familiar seal from one of the biggest jujutsu clans.

This is also the first time Yaga made him deliver an official document to Y/N. Never in his life would he let someone deliver an official document, he would always call the person to his office to give it to them.

Could not fight his curiousity anymore, Gojo decided to take a peak of the files.

His eyes widened as he read every detail that was there.

And after reading everything, he sprinted towards the dormitory, cursing along the way for leaving her alone.


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