3: Day 1 of the New World

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I am in the driver's seat. I didn't like this the first time. Having Felix's hand on mine on the steering wheel does not make me feel better. The only thing that does, is that the highway is clear and straight. On the flip side, it's eerily still. Weirdly quiet. Very uncomfortable.

There's a row of booths up ahead. Only one of them is manned.

"Slow down. Left foot, gently."

I obey. It's an awkward putter, start and then slow and start and slow, until I roll up to the lever. The man that strolls out of the booth is rotund, but still fitting in his uniform. He also looks like he's got the most boring job in the world. The sun is barely up. I guess the news hasn't spread.


I hand over my driver's license. Don't ask. I tried to ask Chancellor Darling, when he shoved it into my hands, how he acquired a driving license on my name and photo when we both knew I swore a sacred oath never to attempt driving again after my first lesson. He wouldn't answer. Now, my heart is racing.

He bends over a little to look through the window. "And these?"

"My kid sister, Andrea."

Alexandria almost looks like she's going to protest, then glances forward. I'm eyeing her in the rear view mirror, trying not to be too scary. She settles.


Felix' arm is around my shoulders. I freeze.

"Boyfriend. Her parents are on an extended holiday to Lazir and we figured we'd get a few days away ourselves."

"Yeah, where you headed?"

"Entiar." Fool. Entiar is to the east. We are headed north. Did you flunk geography? "We'd have crossed the border before now, except somebody isn't the best driver and got us lost."

I snap. I snap hard. "I did not get us lost! I know exactly where I'm going!"

It's a ridiculous fight to have, since I only took over the wheel about seven minutes ago, for the sake of him being questioned less.

"No, Lo, you don't."

"Look, just because you're a know-it-all-"

"I don't know it all, I just know the wrong way when I see it."

I fling my hands up. "Fine. Fine, you think you're so good at this? You do it then. I told you I didn't want practice, anyway."

"There's no need to get hysterical-"


Before I know it, he's handed my driver's license back. I stare at it in my hands, dumbly.

"You can drive on."

"Not like this we cant. You and me buster, right now." I'm out of my seat before anybody can say another word. Felix and I cross paths at the front of the car, and he takes the driver's seat. He shrugs apologetically.

"Women, huh?"

"Ain't that the truth. Drive safely, buddy."

Before I even realise, we're passed the toll booth, thrumming quietly and safely across the road. It's awkward and tense. He glances over at me a few times before speaking.

"Hey uh, nice acting back there."

Right. Yes. We were acting. I remember. Just to get past the province toll. I definitely didn't take any of it personally. "Sure."

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