Chapter 1

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October 14th 2023
Sophia's POV

I loved him. I loved him so goddamn much. He broke me. It all got too much and he threw me out like a piece of trash but he gave me her.

He gave me my little girl and despite her being his twin, her beauty is unlike anything else I've ever seen. She's perfect. I might be biased as her mother but she's perfect.

Today is Ava's fifth birthday and it seems like yesterday I sat in the hospital, alone, in labour with my baby girl.

I had no idea how to look after a baby, coupled with the fact that I'd got nothing to my name, I was terrified. How could I raise a baby when I couldn't even provide for myself?

Shortly after mine and Marshall's split I got fired from my job as a waitress due to the company lacking funds. This forced me into the women's shelter, where I lived for my whole pregnancy.

Nowhere would hire a pregnant woman, knowing she'd have to take maternity leave in a few months. I was homeless, pregnant, scared and relying on food packages sent to the shelter to survive.

Every week I'd write a letter to my unborn baby, take countless pictures, all in the hope I could one day look back at them with her and she'd hopefully feel pride in how far we'd come.

For the first time in years, I sit on my apartment floor sifting through the old shoebox full of these photo's and letters, picking the best ones to create a mini memory board for her to look through today.

She'll be awake soon, running down the stairs to give me the big hug that she does every morning.

Lucky for me, she only shares her looks with her dad, not her temper. She's the happiest little girl and no matter how bad I feel, that kid knows how to make it all better.

I place photo's of her baking, walking, playing all over the memory board. Photo's of us both throughout the years. Photo's of her working at the garage I opened at the start of the year, a dream I finally achieved after years of saving and help from mt family.

I find a picture of me holding the pregnancy test, mere seconds after I found out about the pregnancy. For a second the joy that I felt at the moment of that photo washes over me until I look at the next photo, me and Marshall.

I've always taught Ava that despite her dad's absense, she shouldn't hate him. I've always taught her that he's a good person and he just made a huge mistake to leave her. Just because I hate him, doesn't mean she should.

Do I hate him? I'm not sure. I hate him as a person but I hold a level of love for him because he's my daughter's father. Without him, there would be no her.

Today will be a day for me to celebrate my baby girl. My friends will probably be around to give Ava her gifts at some point and the rest of the time will be for me and her to relax together.

I put the final pictures onto the board and surround it with her presents and cards. I hear her door open and turn to see my smiling little angel running towards me down the stairs...

A/N - next chapter will be longer and a flashback, going into a little more detail about how Sophia told Marshall she was pregnant.

Hope you all enjoy this new book.

Any suggestions or feedback are welcome.

Your Author,
~Im 💕

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