Chapter 22

498 12 10

October 23rd 2023
Hailie's POV

I nod and reluctantly follow her. God I hope Soph's ok...

Jackie pushes the door open to a small room with a table in the centre.

It's silent in here. I see Stevie, Alaina and Soph's parents sitting on one side and someone who I assume is Sophia's doctor on the other.

I walk towards an empty seat in between Stevie and Soph's mom, Claire. Just as I'm about to sit Claire stands and pulls me into a hug.

"It's good to see you after so many years Hailie. I know we've been on call with Ava most nights and I've spoken to you then but I've said to your sisters and wanted to say to you that there are no hard feelings. Right now, we're just a family going through a hardship that need to support eachother." She says with a smile as she lets me go. I look to see Rob, Soph's dad nodding along to what his wife was saying and I offer him a smile which he gladly returns.

"Thank you. Also, you're both welcome to come and see Ava later on."

Myself and Claire sit down and we all look expectingly at Jackie and the doctor.

"Before we start let me introduce myself, I'm Doctor Davies but please, call me James. I've been on the team looking after Miss Whitely and also her lead surgeon." He says and offers us what I assume is meant to me a reassuring smile but it does nothing to calm my nerves.

"As I'm sure you're all well aware, there is increasing concern for the fact that Miss Whitely-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but please, call her Sophia." Claire requests.

"As you wish. There has been growing concern over Sophia not yet waking up, this is something we will now start to moniter very closely as other major issues are now starting to arise. That is why I've asked you all here today." He says and opens a notebook with various prompts written down.

"Before we continue, we will continue to do everything that we can for Sophia. She's in good hands." Jackie says, obviously sensing the growing tension.

I look to see Rob lightly tapping his foot, Claire fidgeting with her fingers, Stevie's gaze fixed on James, Alaina clearly fighting to keep her tears at bay and I now become aware that my hands are shaking.

"As each of you are aware Miss Whit- sorry, Sophia's heart stopped twice during her surgery on the 18th. Now although we were able to successfully resuscitate both times, it was something unexpected by everyone in the theatre. Sophia hasn't shown any signs of this happening again but given that she hasn't yet woken up, whilst we're here I'd like to make sure you are all prepared for this to potentially reoccur."

We all nod, showing our understanding of what he's saying.

"Now for the hardest part. Everyday we take basic reflex tests, amongst others. However, the past two days she hasn't been responding to those very well, even when stimulated by Jackie's voice. I've also, based on a constant monitor, identified that brain activity is slowly decreasing." My mind flicks back to earlier, I really must have imagined her squeezing my hand if she's no longer responding.

"So she's brain dead?" Claire says, tears flooding down her cheeks as Rob wraps his arm around her.

"No, we're far off that yet but what I'm saying is if it keeps declining, she may have minor brain damage when she wakes up. At this moment, I'm confident that she will pull through this but obviously its my job to make sure that as a family you do begin to prepare for the worst case. Like I said though, I'm confident that she'll be alright." He says and closes the notebook.

"What I would like to say though is given the nature of her injuries and the potential damage to her brain and or motor skills, she will most likely be in need of round the clock care when wakes. As I'm sure you've all figured, even after her waking she will remain in hospital for a short while but this care may still be needed once she is released."

He stands and we follow his lead. He shakes each of our hands.

"My deepest sympathy, I know this is a difficult time. If you have any questions or need to talk, please just ask for myself or Jackie at reception."

"Thank you James." Rob says and James turns and leaves the room.

"Right, are you all ready to go?" Jackie asks us.

"Actually, would it be possible for myself and Rob to visit Sophia?" Claire asks, they musn't have gotten here as early as we did.

"Of course. Do you girls need help finding the way out or am I alright to leave you to it?" Jackie says as she turns to us.

"We're good thanks." Alaina says with a polite smile.

"Claire, Rob, you're both welcome to mine at six. It'll only be Spaghetti but Ava would love to see you both and it'll be good for us all to catch up properly." I offer them.

"We'd love that, thank you Hailie." Claire beams at me.

"I'll send you my address." With that Jackie leads them both out of the room and I turn to my sisters.

"You guys ready to get out of here because I sure as hell am?"

"More than ready." Stevie says.

We leave the room and head for the exit.

Soph needs to get through this...

A/N - do you think Hailie imagined Soph squeezing her hand or not?

Chapters might slow down a little this week as I'll be busy but I'll still try and get a couple out.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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