Chapter 23

390 14 4

October 23rd 2023
Hailie's POV

I push my front door open after Alaina dropped me off to hear the sound of Ava laughing, immediatley bringing a smile to my face.

I walk in the direction of the living room to see Evan pulling faces at her as she grips her stomach from her laughing fit.

This is the happiest I've seen her all week.

Evan notices me and walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"Turns out a Taco Bell Quesadilla is the way to cheer that kid up." He says and smiles at her.

I can tell he already adores her and she does him, I just wish dad had told us about her sooner.

"Evan can we go play with the dogs?" Ava asks him.

"Course we can."

"Hey, so you both know grandma and grandad are coming at six. Don't trash my house, please."

With that Evan chases Ava out of the room going in search of the dogs.

I head towards the kitchen and begin to make a spaghetti sauce until I hear a knock at my front door and go to open it.

"Hello-" I begin to say but stop as I see who's on the other side of the door. "Marshall? What the fuck are you doing here?" I sneer at him, feeling my anger spike.

"Language Hai."

"Uh-uh. You don't get to tell me what I can and can't say Marshall, not after what you've done."

"Dad. Dad, not Marshall." He corrects but I honestly am not sure how I feel about him being my dad anymore.

I take in his appearence, he looks rough. It's only been six days but he looks like this has been going on for a lifetime.

It reminds me of right before the overdose.

The bags under his eyes making his normally bright blue eyes seem dark and void of any form of emotion. His clothes creased as if they've not been changed for days. His beard already seeming to be growing scruffy, in desperate need of a comb.

A small part of me feels sorry for him until I hear a faint voice saying "Daddy" behind me. The hairs on my neck stand.

His dark eyes light up and a smile spreads on his face.

"Ava, hey." He says to her and opens his arms so she can run to hug him.

"Mommy's sick, you know mommy's sick, right?" She sobs into his chest.

I want nothing more than to pull her away from him but I know I'd then have to explain what he did and I'm still not ready for that.

"I know baby but she'll be alright." He says and glances at me almost as if for confirmation, he must know I've been to the hospital.

"Hey Ave, let's go watch a movie." Evan appears behind me and whisks Ava away, thank God.

"So um, you know how Soph's doing?"

He says and follows me into the kitchen where I carry on preparing the food.


"Please Hai, just tell me something." He pleads as he leans against the island.

"You want me to tell you something, huh?You're an evil, evil man. How the fuck could you do that to Soph?" I sigh. "Her brain activity is decreasing, how's that for something?" Is say as I put the Spaghetti into the pot.

I glance over to see his face fall.

"Wh-what?" He stammers out.

"If she dies, you're telling Ava and you're telling her exactly what you did too."

"What do you me-mean her brain act-activity is decreasing?" He manages to get out.

"I mean if she pulls through her life will probably be transformed, she'll need so much rehab. Look, I'm expecting guests who I'm sure wouldn't want to see you right now so please get out."

He looks to the ground, a stray tear escaping his eye as he turns and leaves the room.

I hear my door close and feel tears of my own finally fall down my cheeks...

A/N - I did not expect to be gone this long.

I was meant to be busy last week but I still wanted to put out a couple chapters but that plan clearly went out the window.

I ended up being busy this week aswell so I'm sorry for the delay but I just haven't had the chance to write. I'm back now though.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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