Chapter 46

179 18 4

October 31st 2023
Sophia's POV

"So Miss Whitely, you have been propelled into the spotlight overnight all because of your affiliation with rapper Eminem. May I ask, how did the two of you first meet?"

I take a deep breath before I answer, trying to swallow my many nerves...

"We first met back in February 2017. He was filming a music video for the song River, one of the filming locations was at an old diner and I just so happened to be a waitress there."

"Oh, wow. So how didthe two of you get talking?"

"They filmed there for I think three days and they'd turn up to film like an hour or so after closing. When all the rest of the staff went home, I volunteered to clean the place up before they arrived because I needed the money from that overtime." Jessy smiles at my recollection.

"I remember the first night they were filming Marshall was only the second to arrive, I think the first guy was the director or something. Anyway, I was still cleaning the place and somehow we just got talking. I can't even remember what about, we just kind of clicked." I breathed a sigh of relief, my nerves now starting to fade as I became more comfortable.

"An instant connection, let me tell you, those are rare." Jessy smiles at me. She seems like such a nice person and is really helping me get through this. I was so nervous because Marshall always told me the media were horrible.

"So how did you keep in contact after filming ended?"

"We talked every night they filmed and the final night, I ended up staying through the whole duration of the shoot. My building manager had called to say the power was out so I chose to wait at the diner in the warmth until the power came back. So after filming me and Marshall walked to the parking lot together and because I seem to just have terrible luck, my car wouldn't start-"

"Some may say that's good luck, you know. Being with Eminem and all." Jessy chuckles. "Sorry, carry on."

"True. He offered me a lift home, he'd already told his security to leave because he wanted space to go on a drive alone. I hadn't got money for a cab so took him up on the offer and when he dropped me off, he asked for my number." I took a sip of water as I collected my thoughts.

"I went to work as usual the next day and my car wasn't in the parking lot so I assumed the city had towed it and waited a few days for something to come in the mail about how to get it back. I didn't think it'd get stolen as it was virtually falling apart and I'm not a car thief but if I was, I'd at least steal something of value."

"That would make sense."

"I got a call from some random number and to my surprise it was Marshall, he'd got my number but I didn't think he'd ever use it. Anyway, he'd had my car towed and fixed for me and wouldn't take any money I offered him. It kind of all went from that gesture really."

"That's so sweet. You literally lived some peoples dreams. What was your reaction to finding out you were pregnant with his child? If I'm correct, you found out after knowing him for a little over a year?"

"Yeah, we met in February 2017 and I found out I was pregnant March 2018. I mean, I was a little apprehensive at first. I'd very recently moved in to his home but I'd always wanted to be a mom so I was pretty thrilled." As I told the story of my pregnancy, my heart broke slightly as I recalled that I can't have more children.

"How did Eminem react when he learned of the pregnancy?"

"He did not share the same enthusiasm as me, lets put it that way."

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