Chapter 8

726 20 4

October 14th 2023
Sophia's POV

I have to meet this kid, I just have to...

Once again I hear the doorbell ring, except this time I know there's nobody left to visit...

I tell Ava to keep watching her movie whilst I go and check who's at the door.

The whole time I'm approaching it, I'm mentally checking off who's been today.

My parents, tick. Will and Erin, tick. My employees/friends at the garage, tick. Ava's friends, tick. My aunt, uncle ans cousins, tick.

For the life of me, I can't think who it could be. I must have forgotton a package I ordered or something.

I turn the lock and pull the door open to see a mans figure with his hood up, hand in his pockets and head down. With something oddly familiar about him.

Oh shit. I should not have opened that door, I have Ava with me and some random guys at the door.

I go to put the chain across so this guy can't try and get in when he suddenly raises his head.

"Yo, you hate me that much you're shutting me out?"

I stand there staring at him in shock, he's really here. It took five years but he's actually here.

I have so many mixed emotions right now. I want to hit him and curse him out but I know that Ava is in the next room and besides, what would that solve?

I can also feel that I love him, way more that I thought I still did. He looks damn good aswell. He's 51 in a couple days but if I didn't know him, I wouldn't put him as a day over 40.

"Marsh?" I finally manage to get out.

"Yup, look can I come in or what? I don't want anyone to see me."

I step to the side and let him stand in the hallway as I shut and lock the door behind him.

I look down at his hands as he pulls them out of his pockets. They're really sloppily bandaged and blood seems to be slowly seeping through.

"What happened?" He follows my eyes and realises I've noticed.

"Long story."

I take his arm and lead him into the bathroom where I sit him on a stool and begin to undo the bandages.

"I have time, tell me." I say softly as I can now see how bruised and cut up his hands are, especially around his knuckles. Has he been in a fight?

"Yo, why ain't you cursing me out? Why the fuck would you want to help me right now?"

"What's it gonna solve? Yeah, it'll make me feel better in the moment but in the long run not so much. Anyway, there's a five year old little girl in the next room and I'd hate for her to hear or see that."

He only nods. I take some rubbing alcohol and begin to clean the cuts as he flinches at the sting.

"How is she?" He says as he meets my gaze.

"Happy. Real happy, she loves birthdays and Christmas. Anyway, I told you to talk."

"Right, yeah. I don't even know what happened man, I'll keep it simple. I just woke up this morning with this guilt and I couldn't get the two of you off my mind all day. I left the studio 'cus I couldn't concentrate and I was at everyone's throats. I got home and I guess I just lost it, the walls and the mirrors were the best things so I just started to punch 'em to try and get the anger out. I found myself sittin' on the couch with the ultrasound and I don't know, I just knew I had to see her."

"You kept the ultrasound?"

We hear footsteps approaching the door and a faint little knock.

"Mommy, are you ok?" Ava's little voice comes from the other side and I see a faint smile tug at Marshall's mouth.

"Yeah, I won't be a minute baby." I shout back and I can hear her walk away from the door.

"Yeah, I kept it. Today was the first time I looked at it though. Today was the first day I ever really felt anything but hatred towards you. Do you hate me?"

"Of course I do, you ruined me." I say and he looks down at his lap. I finish putting the fresh bandage on and begin to put away the first aid kit.

"I'm sorry Soph. I'm so fucking sorry." He says as his voice cracks and I look up to see tears in his eyes.

I offer him a faint smile because even after all the pain he's caused me it still hurts to see him sad.

"We'll talk about it another time, ok? Ava's waiting for me." I close the cabinet and head for the door.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get her anything, this was a very last minute decision."

"Trust me, she'll just be happy to see you."

"Does she hate me?"

"I told you she wouldn't and believe me, as hard as it's been for me to watch over the years, that little girl adores you. If she see's you on tv, her whole face just lights up. Funny you should ask that anyway, she asked if you hated her earlier and why all her friends had daddy's."

"What'd you say?"

"That she had a dad but he just wasn't around."

"Thank you."


"Everything. Man you were nothing but good to me and I just never appreciated that. You had every right to make Ava hate me, to deny me the chance to see her today and you didn't. You're a good fucking person Soph and I just threw it all away."

"Just because I hold some hate for you, doesn't mean she should. Anyway, you ready to meet your daughter?"

"Fucking terrified, what if she doesn't like me?"

"She will. You're great with kids and you know it." I open the door and lead him into the living room where Ava is sitting on the couch still watching Tangled.

"Hey Ave, I got someone I want you to meet." I say and turn to look at Marshall who is standing kinda awkwardly behind me. I grab his arm and pull him forward next to me.

Ava turns around to look in our direction and like every other time she's seen Marshall on tv, her eyes light up.

"Daddy?" She say with a huge smile plastered across her face.

I look to my side and see Marshall kind of just straring at her so I knock his arm.

"Um, hey." I can't help but chuckle. Considering he's one of the greatest lyricists of all time and knows the dictionary back to front, he is seriously bad with words sometimes.

Ava begins to run in his direction with her arms out, I can already tell how much this means to her...

A/N - honestly Sophia is a far bigger person than me. I'd be cursing Marshall's ass into the next century if I was in her shoes. What about you?

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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