Chapter 15

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October 17th 2023
Sophia's POV

I hear a faint knock on the door behind me and hear it open, then close and I feel somebody sit on the edge of the bed...

"So you and dad have a kid, huh?" I hear Alaina's voice and feel her hand begin to rub my back. "Don't cry Soph, please. We both know I start crying if someone else does." She says with a small chuckle.

I remain silent but turn over to face her.

"I'm not mad if that's why you won't talk." She smiles.

"Why aren't you mad? Hai and Stevie clearly are."

"Ignore them. Look, I'm not going to get mad or blame anyone until I know the full story. I have a little sister that's God knows how old that I never knew about and I think I owe it to her to at least try and understand this situation."

"She's five. Just the other day on the 14th actually." I say now that my tears seem to be slowing down.

"Damn, I got a lot of time to make up for with her then." She beams. "That's if you're ok with it?"

"Of course I am." She pulls me into a warm hug, I always thought Alaina gave the best hugs and advice.

"We should get back downstairs. I think you and dad have got some major explaining to do." I feel my body wash over with fear, I don't know if I can tell the girls this and Hailie also hates me. "Don't worry, I'll keep Hai under control and dad can do the talking if that's what's worrying you."

She grabs my hand and pulls me up, dragging me out of the room and downstairs before I can even process what's happening.

"Bitch." I hear Hailie mumble as we both enter the room. Marshall hasn't moved an inch and Stevie refuses to make eye contact with me.

"Right. Here's how this is going to work." Alaina says with an authoritative tone. "You two-" She says pointing at her two sisters. "You are both going to keep your mouths shut. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Do I make myself clear?" The pair nod. "And you, you are going to sit there and explain everything to us because we have a five year old baby sister that we knew nothing about. Plus, something about Soph's tears and upset is telling me it's not exactly her fault." Alaina finishes speaking and Marshall just stares blankly at her.

"Well talk. Let's get it over with before Ava's movie finishes." Alaina says, clearly frustrated with her dad.

Marshall sighs and rubs his hands over his face as Alaina sits beside me, comfortingly rubbing my leg.

"I didn't meet her until three days ago."

"So you hid her from him?" Hailie laughs. "How low can you stoop?" She asks as I feel the tears well up again and mentally beg them not to fall right now.

"HAILIE! What did I tell you? Keep your mouth shut. Either that or leave." Alaina says to her sister and leans over and smacks her over the head.

"Not exactly." Marshall answers Hailie's question and all eyes turn back to him. He remains silent after that, clearly trying to choose his next words carefully.

" 'Not exactly?' We need context please dad, I can't read your damn mind." Stevie interjects

Marshall looks at me, almost begging me to carry on but I don't want to paint him in a bad light for his kids. I can't give him something else to throw in my face and I also care way too much to try and sabotags their relationship.

"Um. Look, I told you guys things didn't work out, right?" The three girls nod their heads, looking expectantly at their dad.

"That was kind of a lie. Well not really but also, well yeah, you get the point." I can tell just how hard he's trying to avoid this. Just how nervous he is, the rambling making it's return.

"I kicked Soph out." I feel Alaina squeeze my thigh, her way of silently comforting me.

"But why?" Stevie asks the million dollar question, the one I've asked myself for over five years.

"Because she was pregnant." I hear gasps come from both Stevie and Alaina, whereas Hailie stare at the floor. I see her shake her head a couple times.

"So you kicked your pregnant girlfriend out?" Stevie asks before she turns to me. "Where did you go?"

"Women's shelter, I had nowhere else." I feel Alaina's arm snake around my back, pulling me closer into a side hug.

"You left her homeless?" Stevie asks her dad and by the look on her face I can tell she's ready to either explode or breakdown.

"Mhm. I didn't know she was though." Marshall tries to justify himself. Just the other day it was all 'I'm sorry' and now his ass is on the line he'll do anything to save it.

"And that makes it ok? By you not knowing, it means you didn't care." Stevie says and I see Hailie shake her head again, still staring at the floor.

At Stevie saying he didn't care, I feel a stray tear escape. Alaina must notice as she quickly wipes it away with her hand.

"I guess not." Marshall says.

"Let me guess, you probably told her to go abort it or something whilst you were at it." I hear Hailie speak up and when she raises her head I can see she's crying.

Marshall stays silent and I cry a little harder, the only answer the girls needed.

"Oh My God, you did?" Hailie gasps. "You've sat here, let me defend your ass, let me hurt Soph, physically and verbally and you just watched knowing all this was your fault anyway." She says and stops to wipe a few more tears away before she turns and walks towards me, wrapping me in a hug. "I'm so, so sorry Sophia. Please forgive me?" I nod.

"You weren't to know." I says as she pulls away and turns back towarda her dad.

Much to everyone's surprise she slaps him across the face, leaving a large, red handprint. That's sure to bruise. I think to myself.

"YOU MAKE ME FUCKING SICK!" She screams and begins to storm out of the room.

Just as she approaches the door, Ava appears in the doorway...

A/N - two chapters in one day? I'm on a roll.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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