Chapter 41 Part 1

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October 29th 2023
Marshall's POV

"Ok. So, its been in the news all over the world that you were arrested back on the 18th for assult but I know that is not where the story begins. I heard we actually need to go back to 2018, right? Talk me through the build up to this."

Well, here goes nothing, except maybe my career and everything I ever worked for...

"Uh yeah, 2018. Er- I really didn't think this through." The audience laughed as I scrambled to find the right words. Internally I'm praying I don't ramble, after all Soph did say I ramble when I'm nervous.

"Man, this is a long story."

"We have time." Stephen says, relaxing back into his chair.

"So, I was with this chick and we was doing great. She'd moved in-" The crowd wolf whistled, causing me try and hide my smile.

"She uh, she got pregnant and I got so fuckin' mad at her fo' it."

"Just to check, you got mad because it wasn't your baby?" Stephen jumped in.

"No, uh it was my baby. I- I told her to abort it and I kicked her out." I paused to take a sip of my drink, glancing at the audience, all listening intentley.

"What then?"

"I got a letter, she kept the baby-" I hear small gasps come from the audience. "She said I could see the baby whenever I wanted. Sophia, my ex, she really is somethin' else. I ain't ever had anyone show the decencey and forgiveness to me she has."

"I hated her and the baby too. I left 'em to it for years but my little girl, Ava, she turned five a couple weeks ago. That was the day I went to see 'em. I don't even know why, I just couldn't keep away for any longer."

"And your daughter, what's she like?"

"She's perfect. I uh- I hate myself so fuckin' much 'cause she ain't deserve anything I put her through, her mom either. I put 'em both through so much and what do I got to show for it? I missed five years of my daughters life, I can't get that back and I have nobody to blame but me."

"So how exactly does all of this link to you being arrested for assult on the 18th?"

"So on the 17th, my uh- my birthday, Soph and Ava come over and me and Soph start arguin' and I tell her to leave and she gets to the door and my three girls open up. Hailie jumps into defensive mode and pushes Soph over 'cause she ain't know anything 'bout why Sophia's there."

"Marsh, you're rambling." Soph's words ring through my mind. "You always ramble when you're nervous."

"Anyway, I end up havin' to explain the whole 'you have a five year old sister that I ain't ever told you about' situation to my older girls."

I pause again, taking a gulp of water, this is where I ruin my career...

A/N - next half of the chapter goes up tomorrow.

Sorry for the wait. I tried posting it yesterday and it just kept saving to drafts instead. It wasn't working right today either so I split the chapter in half and now its working, I have no idea what's going on with Wattpad!

Also, sorry for how short it is, the main bulck of the chapter is part 2. This was just the only place I could really split it right.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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