Chapter 4

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October 15th 2018
Marshall's POV

We're all at the studio today, not really doin' much, just hanging out.

Royce is all up in his social media fantasy land again and me and the other guys are messing with some beats.

"Holy shit." Royce suddenly gasps as he makes his way over to us.

"What?" Paul says in a frustrated tone from the corner of the room, probably already guessing it's either going to be the most pointless shit ever or some huge ass news.

"Soph, like your ex Soph, she had a fucking baby yesterday. She posted some shit saying she had a baby on the 14th, a girl."

"So?" I say as I realise what this means and I can feel the colour drain from my face. I'm a father, again. I fucking hate Sophia, what she's done is unforgivable.

"So? Really Marsh? How shit at math can you be? She must have cheated on you." I can feel Paul's eyes burning into the back of my head. For some reason the fucker thinks I'm wrong about this shit with Soph. He thinks I need to make this work between us.

"Hold up. Is that why you broke up 'cus she cheated?" Bizzy asks.

"No." I say as I slam my notepad shut and head to my office to cool down.

A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door and turn to see Paul letting himself in.

"You should really go and see them both." Paul says in a soft tone as if he's talking to one of his children.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?" I snap at him.

"You're friend, I'm not your manager right now, I'm your friend. For what it's worth, I think you need to grow the fuck up. Get over yourself Marshall. You always said you never wanted to be like your father, absent and abandoning your kid, so what the hell are you doing right now? No disrespect but from my point of view it seems like you're doing exactly what he did. I know you're pissed at Soph, I don't get why but I know you are but is it really fair to take this out on your daughter?"

"Man I don't know. I don't want to be like my old man but I fucking hate Soph and this kid."

"You've said you wished you could change so many things about Hailie's upbringing, you wish you could have been more present. This is your second chance, to raise your child the way you want to and you're throwing it away. As much as I wish you and Sophia could figure things out, I know that won't happen but she gave you a chance in that letter, I don't know anyone else who would do that for you."

"I'm not seeing them. Soph's ruined it. She made both hers and the kid's bed, now they can both lie in it."

"Alright. Take it from me though, you'll regret it someday."

A/N - it took a few days to get this one out but I'm already working on the next chapter.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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