Chapter 40

222 15 0

October 29th 2023
Marshall's POV

"It doesn't matter anyway."

I can't for the fucking life of me shake the image of her sad face yesterday.

"They saw adhesions in my uterus."

I still have no idea what adhesions in a uterus even are but she looked absolutely devestated.

"I don't know why I'm letting it bother me."

I don't know why I'm letting it bother me either but I do know that I didn't sleep at all.

"The adhesions stop me from having any more children."

These nine words have been replaying over and over in my head for the past fifteen hours, I can't fucking shake 'em, its drivin' me insane.

"Its not something you even want."

I ain't think it was either.

"I always wanted another baby."

Shit, maybe I did too-

"Em? EM!?" I'm pulled from my thoughts by Paul snapping his fingers in front of my face.


"YOU'RE ON. LIKE NOW!" He shouts in my face.

Shit! I forgot I was backstage at The Late Show for my interview regarding the arrest and Sophia.

I quickly follow Paul and a bunch of the production crew and stand beside the stage just in time for Stephen Colbert to begin announcing my name.

He waits for the crowds clapping to die down after coming back from commercials.
"Ladies and gentlemen, our guest tonight is a true legend in the music industry. He's a Grammy award-winning artist-" He's forced to pause as the crowd cheers, their all still unaware that its me who he's announcing.

"A rap icon, and a lyrical genius. I imagine we'll be getting a little shady tonight-" Another rapturous applause comes from the crowd as some most likely figure out its me after the reference.

"as we talk about his recent arrest and all the drama surrounding it. Please give the warmest of welcomes to Eminem!"

Once my name is said and the producer gives me the go-ahead, I walk out towards the couches as the crowd stands, screaming and cheering.

"Eminem, hello! Its great to have you here." Stephen says, shaking my hand. "How are you?"

"I'm doin' good, man. Yourself?" I answer, taking a seat on the couch, adjusting my sleeve to cover the bandages as I do so.

"Good. So I've heard this is a bit of a tell all interview. It was a very last minute booking to have you on, correct?"

"Uh, yeah. I got a lot of stuff going on and I guess I need to say my peace wit' it. Guess I owe it to a lot of people."

"Ok. So, its been in the news all over the world that you were arrested back on the 18th for assult but I know that is not where the story begins. I heard we actually need to go back to 2018, right? Talk me through the build up to this."

Fuck! I think to myself and drag my hands down my face, not able to think why I thought this interview was a good idea.

Well, here goes nothing, except maybe my career and everything I ever worked for...

A/N - I'm going to take this time to quickly apologise for any inconsistencies within the interview in both this chapter and the next.

I'm not familiar with American talk shows so I'll do my best but if something isn't quite right, please do forgive it.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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