23. A New Girlfriend

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Carmine stared at Conner, the look on her face somewhere between intense concentration and a sadistic leer.

"You ok?" Conner asked, a worried look passing over his face.

"What?" Carmine asked, blinking. "I'm fine, why?"

"You just have a really...weird look on your face."

"Oh. Sorry." Carmine made an effort to wipe the expression off her face. She didn't even realize she was looking at him strangely. She'd have to watch that from now on, especially if she wanted to convince the boys that she really could keep everything under control.

"You know, ever since we took you to Anna's that one night, you've been acting a little...off."

"No, I haven't."

Had she? She might have been hunting a little more than was really necessary, but that couldn't be what he was referring to, could it? How would he even know about that?

"You really have." Conner told her matter-of-factly. "You've just been kind of...aloof."

"Sorry." Carmine told him. "I've just been going through a lot lately."

It was bad enough having to deal with going out every couple of nights, but then this whole thing with Adam only made it worse. She tried to put him out of her mind, but it was hard. She sat there every day in history, trying to ignore him. He kept his promise about not talking to her, but that didn't keep him from sneaking a knowing glance her way every now and again. Luke and Conner didn't seem to notice, but Carmine sure did. If he was trying to intimidate her, it was working.

And now on top of all that, she had to worry about whether or not Zev thought she was caving under the pressure of it all.

"I know." Conner actually laughed. "Did you think I wouldn't remember something like that?"

"I guess not."

Carmine had almost forgotten that Conner knew about her changing. But how could she have forgotten? It was a pretty big deal. And maybe he would understand what she was going through. She thought about telling him about her recent problems. After all, he was the only one she knew who wasn't dating another one of her friends; he wouldn't feel obligated to say something for the sake of some stupid relationship. If there was anyone she could trust, it would be him.

But she hesitated. He was like Zev after all – a werewolf. And Zev hadn't exactly been sympathetic to her last time she saw him. Sure, she'd been standing over some girl in the woods, but she didn't think that should matter all that much. He'd seemed kind of like he thought he was above her. Would Conner think that too? She looked back at him closely. Maybe it was just her imagination, but he seemed to be studying her a little too carefully.

"What?" she asked, trying to hide her annoyance. Did he really have to stare at her like that?

"Sorry." Conner said, his cheeks turning a little pink. "Hey, have you seen Kate lately?" he asked, abruptly changing the subject.

"Who?" She thought this was going to be about how weird she'd been acting. Maybe about whatever Zev had told him. Who was Kate? And what could she possibly have to do with Carmine's problems?

"Kate Marzan." he repeated. Carmine still looked at him blankly. "Kinda short, talks a lot, always wears that bright red lipstick?"

"Oh. Yeah." Carmine knew exactly who he was talking about. They were in the same physics class. "What about her?"

"Well, she's been hanging out with that Adam kid a lot."

"How are we supposed to stop them?" She tried to ask it like a genuine question, but she sounded bored, even to her own ears.

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