31. Not a Date

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"So this is your house?" Conner asked.


It was Saturday afternoon and Carmine had decided to bring him over, at least until the movie started. They were going to a matinee, of course – Conner still had to be home before dark. But he assured her that just because he couldn't hang out tonight didn't mean he had to spend the whole day at home. She just hoped she didn't regret it.

"Is this your friend?" Carmine's mom came out from the living room to greet them.

Carmine had actually remembered telling her mom she'd bring her friends by a little more. So here she was, inviting Conner over for a bit. She could tell her mom was surprised. Carmine tried to ignore the fact that this probably meant she didn't have to actually do it. But her mom seemed happy – she decided to focus on that.

"Mom, you remember Conner, right?" He'd been over last year for the winter formal, but that had been over a year ago. And he hadn't even been her date.

"Of course! How are you dear?" Carmine's mom smiled brightly. Carmine knew she probably didn't remember him – it had been so long ago, and he'd only been there a few minutes. But she was always great at making people feel welcome. It was one thing Carmine was always grateful for. And Conner didn't need to know that she'd be grilled about their relationship as soon as he left. At least they were going out in the middle of the day. Carmine knew if it was closer to dinner, her mom would insist they were dating no matter what Carmine said.

"I'm good. It's nice to see you again, Mrs. Zwaanstra." Conner said politely. Carmine's mom beamed.

"So what are you two doing this afternoon?" her mom asked.

"There's a movie playing in a couple hours that we're going to see." Conner said before Carmine got the chance to respond. Great. Now her mom would think they were dating for sure.

"Oh, really?" her mom's eyes lit up. "That sounds like fun. I hope you two have a good time."

"We will." Carmine told her. She gave her mom a look that said please go away. Her mom got the hint.

"Well I won't keep you two." she said. "If you need anything, I'll be down the hall."

"Thanks, mom." Carmine called after her.

"She seems nice." Conner said after she'd gone.

"Yeah, I guess." Carmine said. "You know, she thinks we're dating," she blurted out suddenly. But why had she brought that up? Nerves, she decided.

"Really?" Conner looked genuinely surprised. Like the thought had never occurred to him. "Why?"

"Because you're here. Without everybody else." Suddenly, Carmine didn't want to talk about her mom anymore. "So what do you want to do before the movie starts?" she asked.

"I don't know. Normally I'd say grab something to eat, but that does sound pretty date-ish. Besides, you wouldn't get anything anyway."

"Of course I would." Carmine said, peering down the hall. If her mom was listening in, Carmine didn't want her to be suspicious. Conner followed her gaze. A light seemed to go off in his head.

"Oh – I didn't mean like that." he said. "Sorry."

Maybe bringing him around the house wasn't such a good idea after all. She really would have thought someone like Conner would be better at keeping a secret.

"Well, are you hungry?" she asked finally.

"Always." he grinned.

There was a pizza place not too far from Carmine's house that she used to go to all the time – she figured Conner would probably like that. Of course, the movie theater they were going to was the one over by Conner's house, towards the other side of town. It would be an extra half hour to get there, but that was no problem. Actually, Carmine kind of preferred it. Conner might not be worried, but Carmine really didn't want him to be late, especially if it got out that he was late because he was out with her.

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