40. You're Still Here?

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If Carmine thought lunch was awkward, it was nothing compared to history. She'd been so preoccupied with what Zev would think of her that it hadn't even occurred to her that she'd have to face Adam. She'd never been defeated so miserably before. And now she was going to have to look him in the eye! As soon as she walked into history and remembered that Adam would be there, she was glad this kind of defeat wasn't a common occurrence for her. If this had been a recurring thing, she probably would have just skipped the class. Sure, she was out of unexcused absences for Mr. Wilson's class, but she didn't care. The only thing that made it bearable was the fact that Luke and Conner would be there with her. At least she wouldn't have to face all this by herself.

She walked into the classroom with her head held as high as she could. Which was pretty good, considering all she wanted to do was melt into the floor. She found herself lightly touching the cuff of Conner's jacket, just to make sure he and Luke really were standing next to her.

When Adam saw them standing there, his face seemed to light up. Quickly, he got out of his seat and walked over, meeting them at the door.

"I didn't expect to see all three of you today." He said it in a way that might have seemed friendly to anyone who happened to overhear him...but Carmine knew better. If only her classmates could have been there last night, she thought ruefully.

"And I really didn't expect you to show up together. Carmine, I'm actually a little disappointed in you."

"Why's that?" Carmine managed to ask. She was too surprised by the comment to even pretend not to care what he thought.

"I just didn't think three humans would be such a challenge for you. Especially with you being a vampire and all."

Conner made a kind of strangled sound, and Luke gave a disbelieving laugh. Carmine just stood there, her mouth hanging open. Did Adam really just tell her friends that she was a vampire? Well, it was a good thing they already knew!

"Wait – did he just–?" Conner started. Luke cut him off before he could finish the thought.

"Ignore him." Luke said, never taking his eyes off Adam. "He's just saying things to try to get to us."

"Does that mean you didn't tell them?" Adam asked, smiling sweetly at Carmine.

Carmine didn't say anything. She knew that Adam had misinterpreted Luke and Conner's reactions. But something Adam said had taken them by surprise.

She glanced over at them. She could tell Luke had made a decision, and she really wished she knew what it was. How was she supposed to follow his lead otherwise?

When no one responded, Adam shrugged. "Well, if they didn't know before, they do now. But, I have to ask you something."

"What's that?" Carmine asked, not sure she really wanted to know.

Adam leaned over to whisper in her ear. And even though Carmine was terrified, repulsed by everything about him, her heart still beat faster as she caught the faint smell of cinnamon.

"Are you sure you're the only vampire in your group?" he asked softly. He straightened, a sweet smile on his face – like he'd just told her how great he thought she was.

"What?" Carmine blinked. Luke stared at her, mouth open slightly. Conner's mouth moved, but he didn't say anything – like he couldn't figure out the proper response. Carmine felt the same way. At least both of them had heard what he said; she didn't want to have to repeat it later.

"I was just wondering." Adam told her casually. "I mean, who else would have bitten you if not one of your friends? I mean, I was half-finished with you, and I'm pretty sure in that state no self-respecting vampire would have taken a second look at you. At least, not as an actual meal."

"Wait. What? You think my friends...?" Carmine sputtered. She tried to think of something more eloquent to say, but nothing was coming to mind. He'd guessed right – something Carmine would have never thought possible.

"Yeah. I do." he grinned maliciously. "So tell me – which one?"

Carmine studied him for a second. She hoped she had a cold, calculating expression on her face instead of the near-panic she was trying hard not to show. She took a deep breath, taking her time before answering. She had an idea – she just hoped her bluff would work.

"Does it bother you to not know for sure?" she asked. "I mean, maybe one is. Maybe neither. Why do you care?"

"I don't really care either way." Adam shrugged. But Carmine saw something flash across his face. She got the distinct impression that he really did want to know. "I was just hoping you'd tell me. Consider it a kind of professional courtesy, if you want."

"Professional courtesy?" Carmine repeated in disbelief. This from a guy who'd just announced she was a vampire? "What does that even mean?"

"I mean, I gave you a free meal, remember?" A sneer flickered across his face. "Not my fault you didn't take it. If you had, maybe last night would have ended differently."

Conner lunged at Adam's throat. Luke only barely had time to restrain him.

"Conner, stop." Luke said it in his ear, but of course Carmine heard it too. "He's just trying to get to us."

"Just give me a minute, and he won't get to us anymore." Conner growled. Carmine's eyes widened. She'd never heard Conner so mad before.

"Are you going to kill me in the middle of class?" Adam asked, leaning forward until he was only inches away from Conner. Conner tried to grab him, but Luke held him fast.

"Just give me a chance." Conner told him.

"I'd be glad to let you try." Adam told him. And Carmine could tell from his tone that he was serious. "There's no way you'd succeed. And look at all the people around you. Your life would actually be worse if you got rid of me that way. Better just leave me be."

"Not likely." Luke snorted. "Especially after what you did last night."

"Are you sure I really did anything?" Adam asked, a sly smile on his lips. "Maybe your girls aren't as much yours as you think."

"We've seen worse than you." Luke told him disdainfully. But he still looked like he was thinking about finally letting Conner go.

"You probably have." Adam shrugged before turning to Carmine. "But then, when you're with me, how bad am I really?"

He gave her a wink, and Carmine felt herself blushing at the memories of how she'd met him. She looked quickly at the clock on the wall to keep from showing the boys how flushed she was. When she turned back, Adam was staring straight at her.

"Now, please stop your silly little witch-hunt, ok? I did warn you, after all."

"Well don't think I'm going to give up now." Carmine told him.

"We'll see." Adam shrugged. He sounded almost bored.

"I did make one mistake last time." he told them before heading back to his own seat. "I really should have stayed around longer. I can't help but feel like my leaving was a big part of why you girls obviously didn't finish what you started. But if you ever try anything like that on me again, I won't leave until every single one of you is dead."

And with that, Adam took his seat, leaving Carmine, Luke and Conner standing by the door, staring after him.

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