6• Birthday drama

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Our home and yard was filled with our friends, families, coworkers and neighbors.

All here to celebrate J'ai's' birthday party.

All thanks to my family, they catered to the entire meal planning.

His friends did the decor while his brother Zac took him out so we could set up.

His family were amazed by how my family treated J'ai like one of our own.

The transformation of turning an American birthday into a Caribbean one. Even the birthday song had a whole different tune.

We catered to the kiddies as well. Having a bouncy house, little kiddies bags with treats and fun games.

The adults had liquor and our own games to win prizes.

What's even better was the amount of gifts J'ai got. Even from those who came last minute and wasn't sure if they would make it.

My family flew from other states to be here because J'ai sends them things through me for their birthdays or anniversaries.

An as I said, he's family.

Daddy being daddy, he brought his grill just to send the smell of his work around the neighborhood.

Definitely promotion his business further.

Even Mister Wong knew a little something and was helping out.

I've been smiling all night until some cops showed up.

The music was turned down and we were told a complaint was made.

"We're apart of the HOA and this family did nothing wrong." Our neighbor from down the street points out a few others in the crowd.

"The music isn't high and we aren't loud." Another added.

"We all noticed. We didn't make any alert when we entered this neighborhood but we just came to say that someone around here isn't happy that they didn't get invite."

We laughed it off and made jokes about it.

What we did was send the officers off with food and drinks. One cop even made a fun comment. "Seems like I'll have to move into this neighborhood."

"You'll be welcomed." J'ai told him.

"Have a good night everyone." They waved as us.

"I pray you offices have a save night." I told them.

They raised they disposable cups with drinks.

As they left, I hugged J'ai and moved to kiss him when my uncle came and snatched him.

"We're playing another game of dominos. Who else is in?" He announced.

The males break away from the females and grab their chairs and a box a domino for each table.

Smiling again, I went off to play with the kids.

I know only a few of these kids because J'ai is their Taekwondo coach at the gym.

Luna, Cleo, Ethan, Liam and Ryan. Their parents are also here and chatting with Mrs Wong and mommy about any and everything.

Other kids were here as well, but I don't know them as much or at all.

After playing for sometime, I gave them back their toys and sat, completely out of breath as I sip on a fruit juice.

The kids I know circled around me.

"Coach Wong has a huge photo of you in his office at the gym." Ethan revealed.

"Yeah, and he told everyone than you're his wife." Luna held her arms to all of them.

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