7• Life changes

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What J'ai told me last night was then revealed to his family this morning.

Right after Lilly apologized to me.

Then they opened more can of worms about her mental state which scares me.

With us planning on moving to somewhere safe as of today, J'ai surprised me by showing me tickets for a flight to Jamaica that he got from daddy.

We'll be staying there for two weeks and my grandma is expecting us.

Then I had an idea.

"Zac, Lilly." I acknowledged them. "Would you both like to join us?"

They all looked surprised, even J'ai.

"If it's okay with you." Zac says, looks from me to his younger brother.

J'ai nods, holding my hand.

"Okay then. Thank you."

I nod, taking the iPad I had on my lap and passes it to them.

"My cousin will pick us up from the airport. We'll be staying at my uncle's Airbnb in Ocho Rios by the beach. Breakfast will be served fresh off the trees. Lunch will be at any hot spots in the area. Dinner by the beach on a pier or we'll have on the go. The house will be stock with Jamaican snacks upon our arrival and all living arrangements have been settled. However, my family would love to meet you as well so you can see all the different places where I grew up. Lastly, all the fun and enjoyment is listed there along with the name of the places."

"Dolphin cove?" Lilly gasp softly.

"Mud buggies and ATV trails." Zac looks interested now.

We got interrupted by babe phone going off.

He apologizes and answered it, only to run off towards the stairs.

Concerned, I got up to follow when Mrs Wong stopped me.

"No running. You're pregnant." She reminded me.

I sat instead while Zac and Mister Wong went to see.

"We grew up in the city from South Korea to New York, so I'm curious about the island life. How was it?" Lilly inquires, getting my focus off J'ai for a bit.

I told her and Mrs Wong how it is and even showed them pictures and videos that I took in the past.

The men returned and I was worried by J'ai expression. He was so angry that he held me, trying to calm down.

"What is it?" His mom asked.

"Jazz is in jail for vandalizing J'ai's' gym as the windows and floors are covered in red paint as if it was a bloody crime scene. Attempted murder and possession of a firearm and for shooting the security guard in his stomach. Also breaking and entering, as she picked the locks of the door to his office. Tayiemah's photo had two bullet holes in the eyes. Lastly, the cops will be here to take a statement though last night's event is all over the internet by the way she behaved. I believe this will make headline news." Zac explained.

Hearing all that, I held babe closely as I know the gym is his happy place. Beside me.

"Let's sit." I told him, moving towards the couch.

He sat and held me on his lap, his nose buried in my neck.

His mom went and brought him some water.

I took it from her. "Drink some of this love."

He sighs and let's me feed him as if he was a baby. My baby.

"Thanks ma."

She only hummed, standing worriedly as she stood looking outside the window.

Resting the empty glass on the coffee table, I held him with my arm around his neck.

"She shot at your eyes." He whispered.

"I'm still here, babe."

"I know, but she's crazy. She did that and still would've done something worst. To you." He looks at me worriedly.

More like scared for my life.

"She's in jail as Zac says." I reminded him.

He stayed quiet for a while then sighs audibly.

"We need to start packing. It's not safe here." He concluded. Then he told us why before we could ask. "I'm known for my content and with my location revealed to the public, it's not safe here. I'll give your dad a call."

The cops came before my parents got there so we were able to give our statement and heard what they had to say. An saw some of the evidence they gathered.

I was horrified by the sight.

Mommy packed some of my things with help with Mrs Wong and Lilly.

Then I started crying when I had to leave J'ai and they all had to remind me that he'll come for me after he deals with everything.

Sitting at home for the reminder of the week as well as the next, watching content after content of people commenting on the drama that unfolds.

By the way I see it, content creators are like celebrities and they're treated as such.

Now this drama made it even bigger than it should've been.

J'ai has to go around cleaning up this mess and thankfully the security never lost his life.

Being the good boss that had is, the guy is still getting paid and got his bills covered while he recovered. The gunshot wound was a minor graze and he didn't stop praising J'ai for doing all he had done.

Babe still felt like it wasn't enough.

His family went back to New York as we postponed our two week vacation to a later date.

To clear up his name and kill the speculation and rumors, J'ai was invited to a talk show.

He revealed that Jazz was mental and needed help, though with him and the security pressing charges. It was clear that she'll get the sentence she deserves as the judge was serious and that too a distant family of the security guard.

She wasn't able to get any bail, even with her parents begging.

Due to my pregnancy, I wasn't able to go anywhere except the OB/GYN for my first check up.

I was indeed pregnant.

An with that confirmation came the changes in the body that happened overnight.

I peed a lot.

My tummy felt a little hard just where the fetus is growing.

I've been craving Asian food and thanks to his mom, she's been teaching more Korean and Japanese cuisines which I enjoyed.

Any and every form of Jamaican food made me sick, but J'ai was the one suffering.

He had all my morning and afternoon sickness.

We shared the same cravings and seems tired at the same time. It's as if we're connected both spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

He can tell when I'm crying as his eyes would start filling with tears.

Daddy think it's crazy but mommy think it's a deep love connection we shared indeed. Later on, as my dislike for Caribbean food got worst.

I didn't want to travel to Jamaica at all if I can't enjoy the food. For Lilly and Zac sake, my parents encouraged me to go but I can eat mainly fruits there.

In the meantime, J'ai hired some people to pack or things to move to our unknown new house. Next, a for sale sign was now on the lawn of the home we bought together.

I could only say goodbye to it from a distance as we're heading to the airport to take a fight to my birth place. Jamaica.

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