Part 5

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Chapter 5


Katsugawa Miyuki sat in the elaborate carriage opposite to her now lord and husband, SHirahoshi Akihito as they moved towards his lands after the wedding.

The wedding had been rather eventful, for it also marked the end of the Third Great Ninja War, and though the treaties were yet to be signed the war is considered over by many and the populace celebrated as the rationing and other wartime measures were elevated.

Their journey had been peaceful until now, as they entered the second day. The carriage was surprisingly sturdy, and unlike the usual carriages of the castle, didn't shake or move around much despite them moving over simple earthen roads.

She looked to the side, and lady besides her gave her a smile. Her eyes held inside them a warmth that reminded her of her own mother.

"Is there anything you need Miyuki-hime?" she questioned, her words and tone the same as they had been since the day Akihito-san had introduced her to her as her lady in waiting. Her face was rather plane her most striking feature was the red-hair that ran down her neck, like a waterfall of blood. A striking color not common to the land of fire, a color that reminded her of the legends of a now extinct clan.

Kirin-san, was her name, and both Akihito and Kirin-san herself had been rather obtuse about her family name, and she had picked up enough hints to not probe further.

"No, no. I am fine," she replied, and the woman nodded though despite her, works she turned towards her lord husband and spoke up.

"Akihito-san, we have been traveling for hours now. Perhaps it would be better if we could have some time to rest," she offered, and it was as if she had read her mind, for indeed, they had been travelling for hours now, and she was getting rather tired of all this. And though the carriage was much more comfortable than those back in the capital, her health made it rather difficult for her to travel as such.

Akihito-san glanced at her, he wore a red and black kimono, the top he wore loosely, with his arm hanging out of the sleeve as it held his smoke pipe, leaving the chiseled skin of his chest bare for her to see.

She blushed as she evaded her gaze, as he spoke up.

"It has been some time, huh. Then so be it," he said as he picked up the sword from his side and tapped the inside of the carriage thrice with it, signaling for the man driving it to stop.



And stop they would. The cook would prepare a meal for her and the whole retinue, which as rather small. When a noble lady would marry, she would often bring with herself her own loyal staff to the castle of her lord and husband, yet she had not done that. For she had none she could trust, and so it was rather small retinue of two carriages, which came out to four guards and the three of them.

Akihito-san had been rather quite for some time now, as he sat there his eyes tightened, as stood infront of her.

"Here, Miyuki-hime. I have brought you, your food," her newest maid added from the side with a smile.

"Thank you," she replied as she took the bowl from her as the maid plopped down by her side.

She began to eat slowly, and when Akihito-sama didn't move from his place for the food, she gulped down and spoke up.

"Uno, Akihito-sama, don't you want to eat?" she questioned, as a dutiful wife should for though there time together may have been short, the man had been good to her, he had accepted her with all her flaws, and faults. The least she could do for him was act as a dutiful wife, in their short time together.

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