Part 22

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Chapter 22


The whole clearing was in drop silence as the Sword of The East, Watashi Masamune, fell to the ground with a thud, his chest unmoving as the ground around him was dyed red, his blood dying the glass in deep scarlet.

His whole body was weak, drops of blood dripping down the hilt of his blade, his breaths labored as he himself collapsed, falling down on one knee, his sword clattering on the ground, as he huffed as pain ripped through his whole body, as he began to cough up blood.

"KUKH! KUKH!" his vision blurring as he realized just how much all this fighting had taken away from him. The blood loss and the use of nearly all his chakra reserves had taken a toll on him and now he was barely able to stand, as the men surrounding him finally realize just what had happened.

"He won! He defeated, Lord Masamune," he heard some in the enemy force gasp, as his own men cheered at his victory.

That was until another voice cut in.

"MEN!" and he realized that it was the voice of Masamune's companion, Ryouzan Kozuki, who stepped forward.

"Surround him!" he announced as his heart sank. The enemy force themselves was hesitant to act.

"NOW!" he shouted again as one of the men stepped forward.

"But, my lor..." but this man's, who seemed to be a high-ranking commander, words were cut mid-sentence as Ryouzan's Kozuki's blade shimmered through the air, cutting off the man's head in one swift motion, basking the whole clearing in ominous silence.


The man's head fell to the ground with a thud, his showing the ground red once more as his whole body fell to the ground.

"NOW!" he shouted again as his men took out their swords and rushed towards him.

"This is wrong, we had an accord," some of his own men shouted as they began to surround him from the other side, forming a protective ring around him, as their forces clashed, a few of his men picked him up and hoisted him up and began to evacuate.

"Yeah, about that, you see, I have no obligation to stick with that old man's words," Ryouzan's voice cut in as he strode forward, sword drawn.

"Get him!" he shoute, as his men hoisted him up.

"We need to get you out of here, my lord," Kazuto said, his leal commander, raised his sword and commanded his men.

"MEN! FORM UP ON AKIHITO-SAMA! TEAR THROUGH THE ENEMY!" he shouted as his men began to get into formation even as his vision shifted.

His men were well trained, their eyes were hardened, and their swords at the ready, yet they were outnumbered. They would die if they went on with the plan.

Yet they were ready. They were ready to put their lives on the line for him. For they knew that if they were to win the war, he would have to win, that he would have to survive. And he knew that too, yet these men were amongst the most loyal in his retinue. And his heart didn't wish to abandon them like this, and it wished to pick up the blade once more, to fight with them, to die bleed with them.

Yet he handled his heart as he sheathed his sword, knowing that this was a war much greater than this single battle. And he had already done as much as he could.

All he could do was pray that it was enough.

A massive roar erupted they formed up on him.

Ryouzan stepped forward on the opposite side, no smile on his face, as his men took out their own swords and geared up as they stood face to face against him, no fear in their eyes.

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