Part 21

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Chapter 21


Watashi Masamune knew that he was at the end of his life. The year slipping past had taken a toll on him, and with each passing day, he could feel his end draw near. The old samurai had spent his whole life pursuing the way of the blade, dedicating all his prowess in the pursuit of the highest form of kenjutsu, and that pursuit had been fruitful. He was regarded as one of the best samurai in the whole continent, and though the age had taken much from him, with a blade in hand, there were few who could measure up to him.

The people who could pose a challenge to him and make his blood boil were too spread out and too important to come and face him. And he had resigned himself to a simple death, that was until the rumors told him of a rising young lord who wielded a blade.

Many a lord would often be fascinated by the blade and try and learn kenjutsu, their enthusiasm for the sword dying as quick a death as their fascination for the way of the blade was not a simple path. It required dedication, focus, patience, and, though distasteful, it was to admit, a certain semblance of talent. Talent that few possessed.

And so, few of the lords that ruled over them truly ever became masters, their skills merely perfunctory or barely passable at best, yet this lord was different. The young jito of Shinoi, Akihito Shirahoshi, heir to a relatively new noble house, the young lord was said to be blessed by the gods, told to have transformed his lands from a backtrodden farm to an economic hub within a decade.

Yet it was his skill with a blade that caught his ear. His own men spread all around the capital spoke of him in high regard. And from what he had seen, they had been right.

The young lord was truly gifted. He made up what he lacked in experience in the sheer amount of talent and chakra he boasted. He fought not just with his blade but with his mind as well, scheming and planning as all great fighters did.

It felt truly a shame that he would face him so early; had he waited for a few years, the young lord could have become an exceptional opponent, one who would have been able to even defeat him rather easily.

Yet it would all never come to be.

"It's over," he said as he straightened his sword and watched as the young lord saw his broken blade, a shame that his powerful technique damaged his own blade weakening it more and more as the battle progressed.

"No. It's not. Not yet," he announced rather defiantly, making him frown as he felt the young lord's chakra rustle as something red trickled down his hand.

Blood. He noticed as the blade gained a red hue as the young lord mouthed.

"My sword...." He uttered as Masamune's eyes widened at the scene infront of him.

"....drink my blood!" the young lord uttered as red blood dripped down his hand. The blade's broken edge gleamed an eerie red before it began to grow back, reform as it was just moments ago, the various scratches over it vanishing as the blade reformed itself in front of his eyes.

Until the young lord stood in front of him, his body gleaming with a red hue, much like his blade, the very air thick with his presence as their eyes met.

For some reason, Masamune smiled as he watched the young lord's lips thin, the fire in his chest blooming as excitement rose inside him.

"Interesting," he uttered as the two of them geared up for the second round.

This time, the young lord was first to react as he brought down his blade with a simple exhale, yet his senses perked up, and he sidestepped as the air beside him was cleaved and watched as the tree behind him was cut into two.

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