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Minkook's loud wail echoed in the living room area, as he hugged his father tightly. Jungkook slowly rubbed the child's back in a soothing manner, trying to calm the boy down. Jimin sighed sadly, looking at his son crying. The other three kids were in their bedroom understanding their father need to go, but Minkook wants go with his father.

"Baby, you'll see dada in a few hours again," Jungkook said, breaking the hug and wiping Minkook's tears and snot with his t-shirt sleeves.

"Daddy, I wanna go with you," the boy hiccuped, clutching onto his father more tightly.

"Sweetheart, you know I can't take you," Jungkook replied, but the boy shook his head. Jimin sighed and took Minkook from Jungkook's arms.

"Mama, let me go," Minkook wailed in Jimin's arms, wanting to be with his father.

"Baby, shush. We'll go see your father in a few hours. Your dada needs to go earlier because he needs to practice for his performance," Jimin reassured him, but Minkook only shook his head and continued crying.

"Minkook," Jimin's stern voice made the boy quiet down. His mama was very scary whenever he got angry, which is rarely.

"Jimin, don't scare him," Jungkook said, and Jimin sighed.

"I'm not scaring him. I'll handle him. You should go," Jimin said, and Jungkook nodded his head. He kissed Minkook's forehead and Jimin's lips before leaving the house.

"Mama is sorry baby." Jimin says, pouting his lips and nuzzling their nose together. The affection action always work on his baby.

"Minkook also sorry." Jimin smiles and pecked the boy's nose. Then he took Minkook to his other children, and Minkook immediately started playing with Seol, Yul, and Jungmin. Jimin watched them for a few seconds before walking into the kitchen and preparing some snacks to take to the concert.

Once the food was prepared, Jimin went into his kids' bedroom. "Babies, we should get ready for dada's concert," Jimin said, and the kids nodded their heads in enthusiasm. Jimin smiled and picked up outfits for his children, dressing them up in it.

Kids and their outfits

Jeon-Park Seol

Jeon-Park Yul and Jeon-Park Minkook

Jeon-Park Jungmin

After getting his kids ready, Jimin went inside his own bedroom and put on his own clothes. He hid his face with a mask and bucket hat since he didn't want people to recognize him, even though he and the kids would have a private area at the concert from where they could see Jungkook perform.

Jimin and Jungkook had recently opened up about their relationship, but not about their marriage and four kids, along with the fifth one in Jimin's belly. They had decided to keep their family life private for now, but the love between them and their children was as strong as ever.

As they arrived at the concert venue, Jimin held onto his children tightly, making sure they were safe and sound. They were led to the private area, where they eagerly waited for Jungkook's performance to start.

The stage was set, the lights dimmed, and the crowd was buzzing with excitement. As the music filled the air, Jungkook stepped onto the stage and the crowd erupted into cheers, including Jimin and the kids.

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