take my hand and drag me headfirst

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"Why are you so worried about this, mate? Did you guys have a row or something recently-"

"No! And that's the fucking problem!" James groans in frustration, sitting up straight and swinging his legs over the front of the couch, nearly kicking Lily in the face in the process. "I haven't spoken to him since he moved! I don't know how to act around him anymore! The last time we spoke, it was terrible! We were screaming at each other, Mary!" he whines, his voice softening at the end as he relaxes back into the chair, the memory of the last fight they ever had flooding into his brain and making his chest squeeze.


or: the one where james and regulus are exes that haven't seen each other in years, and regulus moves back to england and back into james' heart (even if he never moved out)


"Daddy, daddy! Come look! Look what me and Teddy builded! Come on!"

Small, chubby fingers wrap around James' fingers, pulling him. James chuckles under his breath, shaking his head. "Okay, okay, Haz. I'm coming, baby, I'm right behind you," he reassures his son, and Harry pulls his hand away from James' as he runs down the hall toward the living room where he'd left Harry and Teddy to play with legos while he did some laundry.

"Wow," James breathes out in amusement, crouching down to look at the building that they built together. "This is awesome, you two! Great job! You should build me a house now, maybe I can live in it," he jokes, and it elicits a giggle from Teddy who wraps his arms around James' neck.

"Uncle Jamie! You're too big to live in our Lego house!"

James gasps, wrapping his arms tightly around his nephew and pressing kisses against his cheeks, causing the boy to giggle even more. "Are you calling me a giant?" he chuckles, feeling Harry's arms around his neck from behind. James reaches behind him, tickling him with his right hand and listening to his son squeal.

"You are a giant! Mummy says you're like a yeti," Harry says, running back around to James when he lets go of Teddy. James laughs at that, plopping himself down on the floor in front of his boys.

"I'm going to have to call mummy and have a talk with her about calling me a yeti," James laughs, wrapping both of his arms around both of the boys, pulling them into his lap, and pressing kisses to the tops of their heads. "Would you two like to come help me with the laundry before Uncle MooMoo and Uncle Padfoot come to pick you guys up to go see Uncle Reggie?" he asks.

Apparently this weekend, Sirius' brother, Regulus, is moving back to London. Teddy, who is extremely fond of his Uncle Reggie, was so excited about him moving back home and he wanted nothing more than to share his excitement and his uncle with his best friend, Harry.

"Can I put the dee-ter-gent in the washing machine?" Teddy asks, over-emphasizing the pronunciation of his words because he still couldn't pronounce everything, being only five years old and all. James chuckles, nodding and putting both of them down on the floor before standing up.

"You can put the detergent in the machine and Harry can put the clothes in," he offers, reaching both of his hands out for both of them to take. "Does that sound good to you guys?"

"Yes!" Both of them answer at the same time, and James smiles, shaking his head a bit as he walks with both of them down the hallway.

As excited as he is for Sirius to be reunited with his little brother, he can't help but feel a bit nervous to see Regulus again. It's been years . Regulus moved away when he was 18 and James was 19, and now they were 25 and 26 and it's just strange .

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