Stealing the Seeker (Final Part)

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Regulus's feet hit the lawn in front of the castle with a wet squelch. He wants to duck into the broom shed to hide from the pouring rain, but James is on his heels, and he snatches the broomstick from Regulus's grasp and sets it aside, ignoring the deluge streaming down their faces as he tugs Regulus closer and kisses him again. This kiss is yet different, tender but with a hint of anxiety crackling through as if James is afraid they'll run out of time before he can commit Regulus's taste to memory. As if he's worried this temporary insanity will pass and Regulus will change his mind about him.

Funny. I should be the one fretting about James coming to his senses.

A vicious blast of wind slaps their faces with an icy spray.

"We should put the brooms away and hide inside the castle," Regulus says, and James hums in agreement but doesn't budge an inch. Instead, his hands clutch the forefront of Regulus's robes with determination as he continues on his journey to memorize every little groove of Regulus's lips.

"James," Regulus says, trying to inject strictness into his voice. Strictness he can't really muster, not when his brain's fuzzy from James's tongue plunging deep into his mouth, and his knees have turned into goo from the heady knowledge that James returns his feelings. Not only returns, but he also multiplies them a hundredfold and gives them back freely. Regulus hesitates to accept what James offers willingly, but does he have another choice? Once James Potter sets his mind to something, he'll achieve it, come hell or high water, and he seems determined to win over Regulus's affection.

Should I tell him I've fancied him since my first year? No, his ego is already humongous, and this would only make it worse.

Besides, having James all eager to prove himself is comforting and soothes all the insecurities Regulus wouldn't admit to his best friend.

"We can continue—this," Regulus says, blushing something fierce, "inside where it's toasty and dry."

James flashes him a grin that shines through the rainy afternoon brighter than sunlight.

"You have the best ideas, Reggie."

The warm flush that only graced his cheeks moments ago spreads through Regulus's entire being until he's red like a lobster, but James doesn't mind. When he grabs their brooms and ducks into the shed, where he presses Regulus into a wall and dives in for his mouth again, the heat in Regulus's body reaches temperatures known only to Phoenixes.

Somehow, James sneaks in a quick drying charm, which makes the whole situation much more pleasant, and allows them to continue their activities without stressing about turning blue. Alone like this, with only the patter of rain against the roof for company, with James's warm hands cupping his face and splayed on his back, Regulus can almost forget about the outside world. About his brother, who won't be pleased with this development in the slightest. Once Sirius barrels into his mind, anxiety yawns in the pit of his stomach, forcing him to withdraw.

"We have to return," he says, slipping from James's embrace. "We have to go back and figure out how to break the news to... people." He refuses to meet James's gaze.

"Already told you, Reggie. I'll deal with Sirius. And I don't give a whit about anyone else. Do you?"

"My parents—"

James's face, cheerful and open, clouds immediately.

"What about them?"

"They wouldn't approve of this. Us. You. What I want to say is that I'm the heir to House Black, and as such, I have duties."

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