you knew what it was (he is in love)

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"As I was saying," he continued. "James couldn't pull me-"

"Says who?" James snorts. "I could totally pull you, mate. You're just stubborn. I don't know how you've lived with me so long and you haven't tried to shag me yet."

Everybody in the room lets out a groan in unison, all muttering variations of I hate you and you're so bloody full of yourself, and Regulus just muttered "get your head out of your arse, Potter," and snorted, sitting up to take James' face in his hands, squeezing his cheeks together. "You can't. I'm too smart."

James hums, then he giggles and leans in, rubbing his nose against Regulus'. Regulus grins, cheeks flushing. "I totally could," he says quietly, voice thick and scratchy.


Alternatively: the one where James and Regulus are dating and they don't even know it.


Regulus holds a brownie in front of James' mouth, giggling deliriously. "You're gonna get crumbs everywhere, open your mouth wider," he laughs, holding his other hand underneath his best friend's chin as he takes a bite.

"God," Regulus hears from across the room. "If you two are done flirting then, we're going to play Cluedo."

He looks up to see a very tired looking Remus Lupin looking at him with a raised eyebrow. If he was sober, he would have blushed in embarrassment. But considering the fact that he was absolutely sloshed, he could barely think straight enough to pull away from James. He just giggled, leaning into James and pulling the brownie away, placing the rest in his own mouth.

"We aren't flirting," Regulus groans. "I'm feeding him a brownie because he is absolutely incapable of feeding himself anything without dropping it on himself, and I bought him this jumper and it was very expensive," he says, trying to keep his words in order as he crosses his arms over his chest.

Lily hums from where she's sitting on the floor in front of Sirius' legs as they braid her hair. Sirius looks up, raising his eyebrow at Regulus.

Mary, Lily, Remus, James, Sirius, and Regulus decided a couples game night would be a fun idea. Well, couples plus James and Regulus.

(Remus says they might as well be a couple considering the fact that they spend so much time together that they wouldn't have time for a relationship.)

"Besides," Lily begins. "Reg and James wouldn't even make sense. Reg's too smart for him, and James couldn't pull him," she points out, and Regulus snorts, nodding as he leans sideways, swinging his legs onto James' lap and resting his head on his shoulder. James' arm instinctively wraps around his shoulder, chin resting on top of his head.

"You are correct, Lillith Evans," Regulus hums.

"Oh, shut it," Sirius scoffs, rolling his eyes. "You're literally in his lap," they point out, nodding toward the other sofa. Regulus shrugs as James rests one hand on his knee, thumb rubbing circles on the skin there.

"Hey," James says, laughing. "He likes it here. It makes him feel tall-"

"I am tall, you imbecile," Regulus mutters, smacking James on the leg and making him wince from the force of the smack.

"Mm," James hums. "5'8 is very tall, Regulus," he says sardonically, and Regulus snorts and pinches his leg, making James wince again. "Why must you hurt me every time I insult you?"

Regulus raises an eyebrow. "Why must you insult me every time you open your big mouth?"

With a head tilt, James gives Regulus a dazed grin that makes his heart burst into flames. "You're so easy to insult, I can't just let the opportunity slide," he drawls, and Regulus feels his cheeks heat up, but he doesn't let his frown falter a bit despite the way his lips are pulling into a grin.

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