loving is easy

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James wasn't quite sure when it started. It began as a flutter in his chest after a glimpse of silver eyes and a thrumming in his veins during Quidditch matches and suddenly - he was in love. Loving Regulus wasn't always easy and it wasn't the safest option out there but James didn't care. He loved Regulus and it was as simple as that.

And he wouldn't have it any other way.

[Or, James loves Regulus a ridiculous amount with background Wolfstar]


James wasn't quite sure when it started.

Maybe it was when James had snuck down to the kitchens for a cup of hot chocolate after a rough Quidditch practice and saw Regulus kneeling in front of a twitchy looking elf, speaking to her as if she were an equal instead of a mindless creature. Perhaps it started when he first saw the young Slytherin zipping about on his broom with a reckless abandon for his own safety, fuelled by his own passion for the sport. Or maybe, it began when he bumped into the slighter boy in the library and he looked up at him with startled silver eyes before hurrying away with pinkened cheeks.

It may have even started before all of that. Or maybe it was of all of those factors combined that caused the wistful longing to bloom within him and had him desperate for just a glimpse of the younger boy. Either way, it had started somewhere and James wasn't sure how to feel about that.

Maybe it was because falling for Regulus had been inevitable. One look into those gentle silver eyes, narrowed slightly with suspicion and he had been hooked. It hadn't been a fierce rush of adrenaline or a fiery passion that had consumed him because it didn't need to be. Falling for Regulus had felt oddly safe. By nature, it should have been anything but. The feelings James had for Regulus should have scared him, should have terrified him with the reality that their love simply could never be. Instead, it had been a warm hug after a long day, snowflakes settling on long eyelashes and flushed cheeks that spoke of hidden delight and undeniable love.

Because, it was love.

James hadn't meant for it to happen. Truly, he hadn't. He had always hoped to find love in Hogwarts just like his parents had or at least, find something close, but he had never expected to find true love within the shy but wickedly smart Regulus Black. James hadn't expected to find himself tracing Regulus' initials or mumbling his name in his sleep and yet, he had. He hadn't meant for any of it to happen and yet he was nothing but grateful with the outcome.

Loving Regulus wasn't always easy. There were times when he'd shut down and withdraw from everyone around him, ignoring Barty's concerns, going out of his way to avoid James and straight up pretending he didn't exist. Sometimes, Regulus would get upset and throw himself into his studies. James had learned that these outbursts generally coincided with a nasty letter from his parents, parchment filled with expectations and tales of Regulus' duties to his family and what would happen should he dare to disappoint them.

Often, James would have to drag Regulus out of the library or break into the Slytherin dorms or even accost him during Regulus' prefect rounds to pull him into an alcove to talk. James would usually begin with a squared jaw and straightened posture but, inevitably, like with everything to do with Regulus Black, he would crumble and end up gently cupping Regulus' damp cheeks and thumbing at his tears.

But the few and - thankfully - far between bad moments were more than worth it. Every late-night walk around the castle proved that. As did the dates in the astronomy tower with nothing but each other laid under the twinkling stars while Regulus tried his hardest to teach James how to identify them even though James could hardly take his eyes off of Regulus for long enough to actually learn anything. The sleepy, stress filled kisses during exam periods where they'd barely have enough time to think but would seek each other out for a brief moment of comfort, always filled James with a warmth that would blanket him from head to toe. Hot chocolate under their favourite willow tree by the edge of the lake, tea flavoured kisses and late nights soaring through the air on their brooms made every tear worth it.

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