Chapter 4: Party

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After a minute, the elevator door swings open, and I bolt out of there like a madman, desperate to put some distance between me and Mr.Mu Liam. I reach my workspace and slump into my chair, immersing myself in work to escape the lingering unease.           

"Hey there," a voice calls out from behind me. I jump, startled, as the office had been eerily silent just moments before. Turning around, I see Maria standing there, her presence bringing a sense of calm. 

"Maria," I exhale, relieved to see a familiar face. "You scared the living daylights out of me," I confess, trying to shake off the lingering tension. Maria chuckles, her grin putting me at ease. "Sorry about that, Emily," she offers.

"It's okay," I reply, grateful for her familiar presence. "Why are you still here?" Maria asks, her question sending a shiver down my spine. The implications swirl in my mind, a nagging sense of dread creeping in. "Working...?" I offer tentatively, my voice betraying my apprehension.          "Why are you still working?" Maria presses, her words causing a knot of anxiety to form in my stomach. Confusion and fear dance in my mind, a silent question lingering in the air. Am I... in trouble? Am I... being let go? 

"Emily, stand up and see by yourself," Maria interrupts my spiraling thoughts, her voice soft but insistent. I rise from my chair, hesitantly scanning the room to find it empty – my coworkers vanished without a trace. Panic sets in as my mind races with worst-case scenarios. They're not fired, right? The company isn't in trouble? I stammer, my voice trembling in my mind. Maria takes my shaking hand, her touch grounding me in reality.

 "Emily, didn't they tell you?" she asks gently, her words cutting through the fog of fear clouding my mind. What... what do she mean ? , my heart pounding in my chest. Maria's eyes search mine, a mix of concern and reassurance evident in her gaze. "Are you feeling sick?" she asks, her voice filled with compassion. 

"No, I'm fine," I reply quickly, trying to push aside the rising panic. "Are you sure?" Maria persists, her worry palpable. "Yes, I'm sure. But please, tell me what's going on," I plead, desperate for answers to dispel the growing dread. "It's nothing bad, Emily. We're leaving early for a party, a celebration for Mu Company," Maria explains, her words a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty. Relief washes over me, grounding me in the present moment. "A party?" I exclaim, a mix of surprise and disbelief in my voice. 

I remember Maria mentioning it on my first day at Mu Company. "How could I forget?" I muse,, trying to shake off the lingering anxiety."Did you remember anything at all?" Maria raises an eyebrow, her voice tinged with amusement. I force a smile, but the weight of uncertainty still lingers. "Not really," I admit, a sense of vulnerability creeping in."Really?" Maria's voice is filled with a mix of amusement and concern. 

"Yeah, it's like my brain decided to take a vacation," I joke, trying to lighten the mood. Maria laughs, her warmth breaking through the tension."Emily, let's cut the games and get ourselves ready. We need to get dresses or we'll be late for the party," Maria nudges me, a hint of excitement in her voice as she steers us towards a brighter moment.  

She beckoned me to her car, a sleek and vibrant red vehicle that looked as fast and beautiful as she did. "Get in," she ordered with a confident smile. I turned to look for Maria behind me, but she was already in the driver's seat when I faced forward. She was quick, I thought to myself as I quickly jumped into the passenger seat.Maria brought the car to life with a turn of the key, the engine purring to a start.

 She began to drive, not too fast or slow, but at a steady medium speed. As we cruised along, she turned on a song, the melody filling the car with its beauty. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and exhilaration as she drove, the wind blowing through the open windows. Maria's presence and the music created a perfect harmony, making for a memorable and thrilling ride.

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