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Within a month, shark had found a routine at camp green lake. She had made friends with the boys in d tent. It was weird. She wouldn't have even talked to these boys if it weren't for the circumstances, but it almost felt natural to be talking with some of them.

Her and squid had gotten close in the past month. The two sat next to each other at meals and hustled other camp members for shower tokens and snacks. They were the perfect sea creature pairing. He hated when she said that, but she found the idea cute.

Then there was zigzag. There whole dynamic was interesting. He was either making fun of her for being smart, or letting her cut in front of him in the lunch line. There was just no in-between with that boy. Guess that's why they say he's all over the place.

It was morning and they were out digging holes again. Sharks hair was really becoming a problem. It was hard to manage it in the morning and frankly it took up way to much of her time.

She tried stuffing her hair into her hat, but it just made her head sweat and her hat to night around her head, which gave her a headache. That plan was immediately scrapped.

So she hatched a plan B. Well in line to get water, she approached magnet, trying to be desecrate. "Hey I need a favor." She said in a low voice. "Can you help me out?" She asked him.

"Depends on what that favor is." He was now facing her, speaking in a low voice so the others couldn't hear.

"I need scissors." She stated, waiting for his response.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Why were you planing on stabbing someone?" He asked her. She couldn't tell If he was kidding or not.

"Not for stabbing." She clarified. "I need to cut my hair." She told him.

"Why for? Looks fine to me." He said, grabbing one of her braids in his hand. She then swatted it away.

"I just need to cut it okay? You know it takes me like, twice as long to take a shower as you guys? I'm basically throwing tokens in the garbage.." she told him.

Magnet thought for a moment. "Gimme your apple tomorrow when we get our snack, and I'll get you those scissors shark." He promised her, giving her a fist bump.

"Your the man magnet." She praised before moving up in line to get water.


Magnet was able to slip shark the pair of scissors during dinner. She hid them in her jumpsuit pocket and made her way back to the tent. She was feeling slightly nervous about now being in possession of a weapon. But she told magnet she'd give them back to him by morning so he could slip them back to where ever he got them From.

She sat on her cot, trying to figure out how she would do this. She didn't exactly have a mirror, but she snagged a spoon from the mess hall, so she could at least see a bit. But she couldn't cut her hair and hold a spoon at the same time.

She went back and forth between attempting to cut her hair and just wanting to totally scrap the idea in the first place.

"Come on jo just do it." She told her self. She took a deep breath and put the scissors to the spot she wanted. She was about to cut it when she was interrupted by squid and zigzag entering the tent.

"Why'd you rush out of dinner so fast shark?" Zigzag said as he entered the tent, but him and squid stopped in there spots before speaking again. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked.

She put the scissors down and groaned. "I'm trying to cut my hair." She told them. "It's not really working out." She confessed.

"Whatcha turning the tent in to a hair salon for?" Squid joked, putting his water bottle on his cot.

"Because I- " she started, but didn't know what else to say. "I just wanna cut my hair." She told them. She attempted to up the scissors to the length she wanted. But she was really struggling. "Does it look even?" She asked, looking at the boys.

Squid shook his head. "Do you want me to do it?" He asked, holding his hand out for the scissors.

She was surprised he was offering to help. "You ever cut someone's hair before?" She asked, stilling holding the scissors.

"No but how hard could it be?" He shrugged. "Don't you trust me? I'm your mentor after all." He said, holding his hand out for the Scissors. She was hesitant for a moment but looked at squids face. He seemed Sincere. She took a deep breath before handing him the pair scissors.

He took them and got behind her, gently taking her hair into his hands. "How short do you want it?" He asked, lining the sharp object to her hair.

"Okay so I don't want it above my shoulders, but I want to to brush on them." She explained. "Got it?" She confirmed.

"I think so.." he said, focusing, trying to keep his hands steady. "You ready?" He asked her, making sure she wanted to do this.

"Go for it." She told him. She heard the sounds of snips starting, she closed her eyes. She couldn't even see what he was doing but she didn't wanna watch. "How's he doing zig?" She asked, looking at zigzag for assurance.

Zigzag peaked behind her, examining squids work so far. "Not to bad, just don't move." He warned her. She stayed totally still, Letting squid chop most of her hair off. She almost felt a sense of relief when the weight of her long her was starting to not feel so heavy.

"I think it's done." Squid announced, stepping back to admire his work.

Shark took the spoon and looked in the reflection. Her hair now just brushed the top of her shoulders. It was a little crooked, some pieces sticking out where they shouldn't, but she loved it.

"What do you think?" Squid asked, putting the scissors down.

Shark looked at him and smiled. "It's perfect squid." She told him, wrapping her arms around him. This took squid by surprise, but he hugged her back.

"No problem." He said, he wasn't used to physical touch, nor did he really like it. But he let it slide for shark.

She pulled away, running her hands through her hair. She then looked at zigzag. "Does it look okay?" She asked him, wanting a second opinion.

Zigzag just stared at her for a second before speaking. "Yeah.." he said. "You look, like, pretty." He said to her.

She smiled at the compliment. It was the first time someone complimented her since she had been to camp green lake. "Thanks zig." She told him.

He gave her a little nod before squid spoke. "We'll be in the Rec room." He said. "pool? Me and you?" He asked her.

She nodded. "Your on, I'll be out in a sec."

The two boys nodded, walking out of the tent to go play pool.

For the first time since she arrived at camp, she felt pretty.

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now