Twenty- eight

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"Doesn't it bother you that Stanley ain't digging his hole no more?" Zigzag asked shark, the two of the digging there holes side by side.

For the past couple days, Stanley hadn't been digging his hole. Zero dug it, and in exchange Stanley was giving him reading lessons. Shark had to admit the idea was sweet. But It also wasn't fair to everyone else who had to dig there hole.

"I mean, Is it fair? No. But is it nice that Stanley is teaching him how to read? Of course. I'm kinda annoyed that I didn't think of the idea sooner." She said.

"Yeah but still, why should Stanley get a free pass?" Zigzag said.

"Zig, I don't know.." she admitted, she felt to tried to talk about it anymore. "And what difference does it make? You you carry my shovel, no one's making a big deal about that." She pointed out.

"Not that hard carrying your shovel, it's harder to dig a hole." Zigzag said.

Shark was about to replay but mom had pulled up with the truck, signaling that it was time for lunch.

"Come on zig, maybe a sandwich will make you feel better." She told em.

"I can't imagine it will." He said, getting out of his hole, then going to help shark out of hers by grabbing her hands and helping her up.

"Let's go boys! Lunch!" Mom called out, getting everyone to line up. "Line em up. I don't have all day let's go let's go!"

Shark got in line behind zigzag as they got there lunches. Shark saw squid take extra graham crackers from the pile and hid them behind his back so mom wouldn't see.

Once they were out of the line, shark and zigzag were walking on opposite sides of squid. "Hey guys, I got some extra graham crackers." Squid said, giving them each one.

"You lil thief." She teased, taking it from his hand and taking a bit, but zigzag had other plans.

"Hey, how about I give you my cookie and you let me dig your hole?" He said to Stanley as he kicked his foot, getting his attention and crouching down next to him.

"Zig come on." Shark tried to get him away, but he just ignored her.

"Come on take it." He told Stanley, putting the cookie out for him to take.

"Look I get it all right? I'll dig my own hole from now on." Stanley said. "Just let me eat my lunch."

Zigzag just laughed. "He isn't gonna take it. Come here. Eat the cookie." Zigzag then shoved the cookie in Stanley's face, then going on to hit Stanley in the shoulder.

Stanley got up and shoved zigzag. "Back off man." Stanley said. But that didn't stop zigzag from showing him once again, making Stanley hit the ground.

Just then mom intervened, shark was feeling relieved that he was gonna break up this stupid fight.

"Hey hey hey what's going on here?" He asked, walking over to the boys.

"Nothing mom, we was just fooling right?" Squid said.

"I saw what was going on. Go on Stanley. Teach him a lesson. Hit him back." Mom told Stanley.

That definitely wasn't what shark was expecting. She wanted him to break up the fight, not start a new one.

"Yeah, teach me a lesson." Zigzag said smugly, waiting to see if Stanley would actually hit him back. "Come on hit me." Zigzag gave Stanley another rough shove.

"Come in hit em!" Mom encouraged.

Stanley gave zigzag the weakest slap ever on his cheek. This made zigzag tackle Stanley to the ground. Zigzag starting throwing punches at Stanley well his was on the ground. All the boys seemed entertained by this, but shark was absolutely horrified.

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now