Forty - seven

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For the teens, the party had moved to the basement well the adults mingled upstairs. They were all sitting in a circle with their snacks and drinks, talking about whatever their adolescent brains could come up with.

Shark had noticed franny lingering around the basement, she she decided to get up and introduce her to magnet.

"Alright magnet, here's franny." She said, placing the cat gently in his arms. Franny immediately took a liking to him.

"Hey chicka, I've heard so much about you." He said as he pet frannys back. She immediately took a liking to magnet, which made squid slightly jealous.

"That's not fair it took her like, two days to finally let me pet her, but then magnet just struts in and becomes frannys favorite!" Squid complained.

"Why can I say? The ladies love me." Magnet smiled, letting franny get cozy in his lap as he sat down.

Shark smiled at the two interacting, but zigzag leaning in next to her and spoke in a low voice. "You know, I haven't gotten a moment alone with you yet." He told her.

"Wanna change that?" She suggested.

"I haven't seen your room yet, maybe we could hang out there?" He asked her.

"I don't think my mom would exactly let us be in my room alone." She told him, his face slightly dropped in disappointment. "But the back yarn should be empty." She told him.

"Then what are we waiting for?" He said standing up, then reaching for her hand to help her up. they quickly snuck out before any of the boys could say anything or follow them.

They used the back door and were greeted with the fresh, cool air of summer. Shark took a deep breath in. "It's so nice out." She smiled. There was then a breeze, causing shark to shiver, she now wished she'd kept her sweater on.

"Here you want this?" Zigzag asked her, taking off his flannel shirt that he wore over top his shirt, but before she could tell him she was okay, he was already dropping it over her shoulders.

"Thanks ziggy." She told him, putting her arms through the sleeves and grabbing his hand. She guided him over to the hammock that was in the backyard. She laid down on it and moved over so her and zigzag could both fit.

He put his arm around her as they snuggled side by side. "I never got to ask you, how was the court hearing?" He asked.

"Squid was nervous at first, but once the judge made it official, he couldn't stop smiling." She told him.

"This is maybe the happiest I've ever seen him." Zigzag said. "It's really nice that your family took him in."

"It seemed natural you know? Me and squid became really close at camp, I Couldn't imagine not having him in my life, and now he's my brother." She said.

"Still crazy how he went from being your mentor to your brother." He said.

"Yeah, I almost wanna thank mom for doing that but I don't wanna give him any credit." She said.

Zigzag chucked. "Yeah, I think even if he didn't end up being your mentor, you guys would have still ended up where you are today." He told her.

Shark hummed in agreement, cuddling her head in to zigzags neck. "You look cute in that flannel you know?" He complimented.

"Really? Doesn't exactly match the dress though."
She pointed out.

"Well I guess that's what makes it cool, you can pull off mis match patterns." He told her.

Shark just chuckled at his compliment and rested her head back on to his shoulder.

"Shark?" He spoke, breaking the brief silence between the two.

"Yeah?" She answered.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked, the tone of his voice worry some.

"What's up zig?" She asked, lifting her head up to look at him.

"remember when you hit your face with the back of a shovel?" He recalled.

"I sure do, you can jumping in the hole to help me." She said.

"Well, you cut your face open pretty bad and you were bleeding all over the joint and I brought you to the infirmary, and well you were sitting on the cot getting all bandaged up, I was falling so deeply in love with you." He said.

Shark stared at him. Of course that was the moment he picked to fall in love with her. But somehow, that made it extremely special to her. The fact that he was loving her at her worst. "Only you would fall in love with someone well they had blood gushing from their face." She joked.

But he didn't laugh. "I'm serious shark, I love you." He said.

Sharks heart went a flutter again with those damn butterflies. She leaned over and gave him a sweet peck on the lips. "I love you too zigzag."

The two laid there, taking in the fresh air of the summer and the crickets buzzing around as they swung on the hammock for the rest of the evening.

Guys I have been so bad at updating lately I'm very sorry

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