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During rec time, shark had decided to take a break from playing pool and sit on the couch with magnet. Zigzag was sat on the floor watching the tv, but she couldn't even tell what was on because it was so staticky.

Shark and magnet had there feet propped up on a crate as they tried to just enjoy there down time.

"Hey mami why aren't you sitting with zig?" He asked her, zigzag was so focused on what was going on with the tv he didn't hear them talking.

"I'm not sitting on a dirty floor to watch static on a broken tv." She told him.

"Aw not even for zigzag?" He asked.

"Shut up." She told him, kicking his feet of the crate.

He propped his legs back onto the crate. "I saw the lizard on his hand, it's pretty cool." He told her.

"Thanks magnet, you want one?" She offered him.

"Nah, that's your special thing with zig." He said.

"It's not 'my thing' with zig. We don't have a 'thing'." She told him.

Just then Armpit came by, attempting to change the channel on the tv.

"Hey I'm watching that." Zigzag said, swatting his hand away.

"Not today you ain't." Armpit stated as he changed the channel, making it go to a full screen of static.

"Look you broke it!" Zigzag complained as he slammed his hand against the top of the tv, which really didn't help fix it.

Stanley walked into the rec room, getting bumped by some other campers in the process. As he walked across the room he was bumped by someone, causing him to knock into lump who was sitting in a chair.

"Hey watch it!" Lump shoved him off.

"You watch it man." Stanley muttered under his breath, but lump heard it.

"What'd you say to me?" He then kicked Stanley, knocking him into the hard wood floor. Everyone's focus was now on Stanley and lump.

"Sorry man, I didn't mean to hit you." Stanley apologized as he tried to get up. As he got up he stumbled back into lump, knocking him over.

Lump grabbed Stanley by the collar. "Your a dead man!" He told Stanley through gritted teeth.

That's when squid and zigzag got involved, shark following behind them to defend Stanley.

They were able to pull them apart and x ray stepped in. "Hey, just chill, okay, man alright? Look we start a fight now, the warden will come down hard on all of us." He tried to calm lump down.

"Just keep that punk away from me!" Lump spat, but he seemed to back off. Shark gave him a glare before she walked over to Stanley.

D tent lead Stanley away, squid with his arm on his shoulder. "Don't look at him. He's crazy. You understand me?" Squid said.

"You okay?" Shark asked him, Stanley nodded, still visibly shaken from the interaction.

D tent was gathered around the pool table, almost like they were having a secret little meeting. "Hey, nobody messes with the caveman. Nobody." Magnet declared.

The group nodded, they had all decided caveman was his new nickname.

"Did you see the caveman back there?" X ray said, for a moment it looked like x was proud of Stanley.

"No, I don't wanna mess with anybody." Stanley said.

Just then the whistle blew, signaling for the campers that it was time to eat.

"Come on caveman, time to eat."


At dinner shark was slightly disappointed that there was no lime jello served today. So she was stuck with banana.

"Anyone want my banana jello? I'm really not to interested in eating it." She offered to the boys.

"I'll take it." Squid said, reaching over and grabbing it from her trey.

"Why are you so picky when it comes to the jello?" X ray questioned her.

"I'm not picky, it's just that banana is like, the worst flavor.." she told them. "What would really be a treat is if they served us strawberry jello."

"In my whole eight months of being here, they have never once served strawberry jello, so don't get your hopes up." X ray said.

"Trust me, I don't think I've ever exactly been hopeful here at camp green-lake."

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now