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"Finally." Shark said relieved to see Mr sir driving the water truck towards them. She essentially slammed her shovel on the ground and went to get water for her canteen.

"Come on little fishies." Mr sir called to them. "Come get your lake water." He said.

Shark didn't really find me sirs joke funny, nor did it really make any sense, but she knew If she opened her mouth to make a comment, Mr sir would take her canteen and run it over with his truck.

She walked beside zigzag. "It's Wednesday, you know what that means.." zig said as they walked.

Shark groaned, remembering what Wednesdays at camp green lake meant. "I hate those stupid 'therapy' sessions. Is he even like, a real therapist? I don't think he's qualified to run it." She said.

"And he always repeats the same points over and over again." Zigzag tagged on.

"You know what we should do? Just start telling then him storylines of random movies as if there our own stories, and see how long it takes him to know we're messing with him." She suggested.

Zigzag seemed amused by her idea.

"That could be a better way to pass the time."


"What about you Jose? What do you like?" Mom asked magnet.

D tent was sat in a circle in the mess hall for there weekly little therapy session. Shark was sat next to magnet and squid, and sat across from zigzag.

"I like animals." Magnet answered, smiling.

"That's what got magnet here in the first place." X ray reminded them, causing everyone but mom to laugh.

"Man, it's criminal the way they keep them locked up in cages." Magnet told them.

"No, Jose, what you did was criminal." He attempted to correct magnet.

"No, no tell 'em magnet. They wanted 1,000 bucks just for one puppy." Squid jumped into the conversation.

"I would have made it out, if my pocket didn't start barking." The made everyone laugh again. Shark couldn't help but picture magnet fitting a small dog in his pocket.

"You boys.." mom started, "and Jo." He said looking at shark. "Have got one life, and so far you've done a pretty good job of screwing it up." He lectured them. 
Shark just shook her head, she hated when he lectured them like this, like they were dumb.

Just then mom looked at shark. Oh boy, this means she was gonna be his next victim of some crappy motivation speech.

"Jo, tell me something. How was your life before you got sent to camp green lake?" He asked her.

"Fine." She told him, blank stare. She didn't wanna give him any information he could use against her.

"You know Josephine, I've read your file." He told her, there was some weird smirk on his face. Like he had something on her now.

Shark felt her stomach drop, but she tried to play it cool. "So?" She shrugged.

"I know that your smart, super smart!" He said. "You had a 4.0 gpa, all As. You had it all didn't you?" He asked her. Shark still said nothing. "What happened?"

Suddenly all eyes were on her.

"Schools dumb, why should I care about it?" She shrugged again.

"See jo, when I look at you, I see wasted potential." He told her.

That comment felt like a stab in the chest, she wanted to get up and leave, but she knew that wouldn't help. So she just sat there, arms crossed, and said nothing until mom decided to make someone else feel bad about themselves.


Shark hadn't said a word since there therapy session, not even when they got back to the tent. She didn't even go in, she just sat on the steps of the tent and Stared blankly at the dirt.

Back in d tent, the boys were concerned.
They knew she was smart, but not that smart.

After an hour of shark sitting on the steps, squid stood up. "That's it, I'm going to talk to her it's been long enough." He announced, walking over to open the tent flaps, but zigzag grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Come on let's just give her time, she'll come back in." Zigzag said, but squid just pulled his arm out of zigzags grip.

"We have, it's been long enough." He said. He exited the tent and saw shark still on the steps.

He quietly and gently sat on the steps next to her. He just looked at her for a moment, her eyes were glossy, like she had been holding back tears for too long.

"What's going on shark?" He asked, giving her shoulder a gentle nudge.

"He's right." She spoke softly.

"Who's right?" Squid asked.

"Pendanski, he's right I'm a failure." She told him, the tears in her eyes were welling again, but not spilling out.

Squid scoffed. "Mom doesn't know what he's talkin bout." He said.

"No squid, he does. I threw away everything I had and now I'm here." She said. "After Micheal died I just, I stopped caring. I didn't think school or anything was really worth doing but.." she was trying to finish her sentence but her tears beat her to it. She was now fully letting out sobs, the kind that are from the gut and hurt.

Squid was quick to put his arm around her. "Shh." He attempted to comfort her. He wasn't sure if he was doing a good job or not, but she leaned into his touch, which he took as a sign that he was doin something right.

"Listen, your Gonna get out of here, and your gonna turn your life around. You hear me?" He asked her.

"It's too late for me squid.." she confessed. "I've already messed things up so bad. No collage is gonna want some juvenile who bites police officers when she's drunk." She continued to sob.

Squid just continued to try and comfort her, tracing circles on her back and she cried onto his shoulder, leaving tear stains on his white shirt.

Once her cries had settled a little bit, he spoke again. "Jo listen to me." He said. He had never used her real name up until now, which caught her off guard. "Your gonna make it out. I promise." He told her. "Forget what Pendanski said, you have more potential then anyone here at camp. Don't let him tell you other wise."

Shark was still having trouble believing what squid was telling her, but she just nodded along.

"You ready to go back inside?" He asked her.

She shook her head no. "Can we just say out here for a few more minutes?" She asked him.

He nodded. "Sure thing shark." He told her, his arm still around her as she leaned her head back on to his shoulder.

For the next few minutes, the two sat in silence, looking up at the stars.

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now