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The next morning was unlike no other at camp green lake. For the first time ever, no one had to go and dig a hole. Instead all the campers were told to stay in the mess hall until further notice.

"Maybe there...throwing us an ice cream party?" Armpit suggested hopefully.

The rest of the d tent table looked at him. "You really think with all the things going on, they just decided to reward us with an ice cream party?" Shark was baffled at the fact that Armpit even thought that was a distinct possibility. "The only way we're getting an ice cream party around here, is if it's our last meal before they take us out back and shoot us old yeller style.." she told them, clearly exasperated with armpits dumb suggestion.

All the boys just looked at her, surprised to hear such a graphic sentence come out of her mouth.

"You good there shark?" Squid asked, checking on her.

"Obviously no, what the hell is going on out there?" She questioned, trying to peak out the window.

"At least we're not digging holes.." x ray pointed out, trying to look in the bright side.

Shark let out a deep sigh, attempting to calm her nerves, but it was no help. Zigzag took notice of how tense she was, so he secretly took her hand from under the table and put it in his. The feeling of his hand took her by surprise, but she then quickly laced her fingers with his.

As d tent sat around there table, the air felt odd. Like after they left this table, there life's wouldn't be the same. But they couldn't tell if it would be for the better of for the worse.

About an hour had passed, still no updates from the counselors or anyone. People were starting to get Antsy so they were wondering around the mess hall, trying to get a peak of what was going on outside.

As shark and zigzag sat together at the table, zigzag decided he was gonna tell shark how he really felt, and he wasn't gonna chicken out like all the other times he had.

"Shark?" He asked her, getting her to turn her head and look at him.

"Yeah zig?" She said.

Zigzag looked into her bright green eyes, he had never really noticed how green they were until now, but now wasn't the time to get lost in her eyes.

"When we were talking last night..and you said we'd still be friends after camp.." he started. Shark nodded along, signaling she was paying attention. "It's just um.." he couldn't even get the words out. "Sorry.." he apologized.

She then took her hand and placed it on top of his. "Go on zig, it's okay I'm listening." She assured him .

"Well, when you said friends, I just feel like-" just as zigzag was about to confess his feelings towards shark, he was interrupted by someone yelling, and that someone was squid.

"They're alive!" Squid yelled, signaling the others to come see for themselves.

Sharks jaw dropped to the floor when she heard those words. She immediately got up out of her seat. "Come on zig!" She said, the biggest smile on her face as she grabbed his hand and lead him out of the mess hall.

Shark and the d tent boys practically sprinted to go see their friends. They greeted them with big hugs, despite smelling like onions.

"I'm so glad you guys are alive!" Shark said happily, hugging Stanley tightly.

"Oh man we thought you guys were buzzard food." Zigzag  told them.

"No im not, I'm going home." Stanley announced to them.

"Home?" They all questioned.

Just then mom came out and spoke to the lady who was supposedly taking Stanley home. "Well uh, there seems to be no file of hector zeroni.." he said.

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now