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Shark practically jumped out of bed to morning of Stanley's pool party. He and his family had finally moved into there new house and were throwing a party to celebrate, they were also celebrating the fact that Stanley's fathers new inventions commercial would be airing.

She immediately barged into squids room, and jumping onto his bed and shaking him. "Wake up wake up!" She told him.

Once he was awake he pulled the covers over his head. "Shark were not leaving till like 1. Let me sleep."

"But we gotta get ready!" She said. She knew they'd have enough time but she was just so anxious and excited to see everyone. He just groaned in response.

Once she figured that maybe he needed a second to wake up, she made her way downstairs to get some breakfast. As she skipped into the kitchen, her mother noticed her happy mood.

"Someone's happy this morning." Her mother said, taking a sip of her coffee.

"I can't help," she grinned. "I'm just so excited to see everyone."

"Remember you two have to be home by 11, no exceptions." Lottie reminded her.

"Yeah mom we'll be home." She said, taking a peice of bread and putting it in the toaster.

Lottie had agreed to let squid and shark drive to Stanley's house under one condition, she had to talk to Stanley mom first. She was just being a protective mom and wanted to know where both of her children were going. But once the two started chatting it up on the phone, the call ended with them insisting that they had to go get coffee sometime.

Once shark finished eating, she headed back up stairs to her room, on the way down she ran in to squid. "Remember, we leave at one." She reminded.

"Yeah yeah," he brushed off, still in a cranky mood after being woken up so early.


12:45 finally rolled around and shark was finishing up getting ready. she decided to wear her pink bikini, and over it some denim shorts and a Fiona apple t shirt.

She looked at her self one last time in the mirror, fixing her hair and touching up her lip gloss. She wore minimal make up considering they would be swimming. Once she decided she looked fine she grabbed her bag that contained her towel, keys, and any other thing she might need that day.

She exited her room and knocked on squids door. "You almost ready?" She asked through the door.

"Yeah, I'll meet you downstairs." He shouted.

"Kay!" She headed down stairs to say goodbye to her parents. "We're gonna head out soon." She told them.

"Okay, just remember to be back by 11 okay?" Lottie reminded her daughter once again.

"Yes mom..." she said, slightly annoyed that her mother kept reminding her of the curfew.

Squid then made his way downstair. "You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah, bye mom! Bye Dave!" She said, heading to the door with squid, who also waved goodbye.

"Have fun! Be safe!" Lottie told them, and soon the two were out the door and in the car, making there way to Stanley's house.


Shark was in the drivers seat, focusing on the road as music from the radio played softly in the background.

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