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Shark slowly opened her eyes. her face hurt from all the crying she had done last night. Her eyes felt like they were swollen shut because of how puffy they were. She never stopped crying that night. Even after the gut wrenching sobs stopped, the stream of tears didn't.

She hated the energy that was in the tent right now. all the boys seemed to be treating her like she was made of glass. Squid didn't give her an annoying wake up call like he always did, x ray didn't give her any crap for taking too long to ready, something just was off.

And she was the reason for it

As she went to grab her shovel zigzag came up to her, holding out his hand. "Shovel express is now boarding, all aboard." He said, reaching for her shovel, but she pulled it back. He gave her a weak smile that seemed like he was trying to cheer her up, but it wasn't working.

"I'm not really in the mood zig." She told him, walking past him. She was in a crap mood and didn't wanna take it out on anyone, especially zigzag who didn't deserve it.

All she wanted to do was get her hole dug and sulk in her cot.


Shark laid face down in her cot after she dug her hole for the day. She would have been crying but she was pretty sure she had run out of tears.

She heard foot steps enter the tent. she prayed that who ever it was they would just get whatever they needed and leave, but that wasn't the case.

She felt someone sit on the end of her cot, causing it to make a horrible creaking sound. "Go away squid." She said, assuming it was him.

"It's not squid."

She could recognize that deep southern accent anywhere. It was zig.

She peaked up from her pillow. "What do you want?" She asked him.

"I wanna talk about last night." He told her.

She plopped her head back into her pillow. "There's nothing to talk about." She said, her voice muffled into her pillow.

"Come on, you can talk to me." He said. "Please I'm worried about you." He pleaded with her.

She soon realized zigzag wasn't going anywhere until she talked. She begrudgingly sat up, facing zig.

"Well, go on." She said.

He took a deep sigh before he spoke. "What happened last night?" He asked her.

"You we're there, you heard what mom said." She recalled.

"Yeah but, you don't believe him do you?" He asked her.

She shrugged. "I mean he's not wrong. I threw everything good I had. I had opportunities and I now I don't even know if I'll be able to fix the damage I've done." She said. Again, she wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't come out. "It just feels like 16 years down the drain."

Zigzag didn't respond immediately. He was trying to find the right words to say. He wanted to tell her how incredibly smart she was. How every-time he made her smile or laugh he felt like he could die a happy man. He wanted to tell her how pretty she was, inside and out. But he didn't say those things.

"Your the smartest person here at camp. Way smarter then mom. Like you said he's probably not even a real doctor." He said.

Shark sat up a little bit in her cot. "I just don't know what's next for me after camp green lake." She said.

"I think A lot of us probably feel that way, but you got a life at home, a mom that loves you, a cat that loves when you give her turkey." He said, nudging her when he mentioned franny. She smiled at the mention of her fur baby.

She had never seen zigzag seem so Sincere. Like he actually meant what he was telling her.

She nodded. "Franny does love turkey.." she said smiling weakly. that wasn't exactly what he wanted her to take away from his speech but he was glad that she was at least smiling.

"There's that shark tooth smile I love seeing." He said, giving her chin a little tap with his thumb. His touch caused her to smile more, showing her pointed teeth.

Hey Omg thank you for over 3,000 reads!!!hope your enjoying this so far!

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