I start walking away and I keep hearing them talk some more.I'm still listening to my playlist and the song that is now playing is Telephones by Vacations, I have a crazy playlist.

Since school ends early today for some random stuff and weather, again. I mean seriously why has the sky been acting up lately?? Anyways I decide to walk to the park by this corner store it's my safe spot, I sit on the swings then pull out a worksheet by Mrs.Park(Jihyo). I asked for some work for extra credit cause I have a B in that class. While working on it "we fell in love in October" starts playing. My favorite season is fall, my birthdays in it too.

Hyunjin Pov:
Me, Felix and this new friend we made named heesung decided to walk cause school ended early.
"YESS LETS GO" said Heesung
"Ugh they are to crazy for me"I mumbled then they both ran to the slides and I went to the bench.
Wait who's that on the swings? Is that..? Seungmin!! It's Seungmin!! "Hey Seungmin!"
No response
"Seungmin?.. helloo..??"
No response once again
"Why weren't you answering me?"
"I couldn't hear you I was listening to music"
"Oh well turn your music off"
"It's pause stupid"

"That's not my point! I was asking what are you doing and why are you here?"
Seungmin's Pov:
Oh what am I supposed to say!! Uh.. ik!
"Oh well I thought since school was over early I came to the park cause there wouldn't be any kids here plus I needed to work on some assignments and extra credit"
"Oh okay then"
"Why are you here hyung?"
"Oh I was walking around with Felix and heesung and then they saw the park and ran to the slides and merry go round like five year olds"
"Who's heesung?"
"A new friend we made in the hallway he was new and looked lonely so we befriended him"
"Oh okay then we'll where are they?"
"Uh idk let's go look for them"
We went over to the slides and they weren't there so we went to the merry go round and luckily they were there.
"Hi seungmin what are you doing here!"asked Felix
"Oh just to finish assignments and extra credit"
"Oh so nerdy of you"-"Hey!atleast i got better grades you have a C in Mrs.Parks class!"-"Shut up! Anyways meet heesung"
"Hi! I'm Lee Heesung"
"Nice to meet you heesung in Kim seungmin!"
"Alright now that that's that let's go to a convenience store in hungry"
"Alright"I said
"Yes!! Im so hungry!!" Added Felix
" It's on me btw" said hyunjin
At the convenience store
"Hmm I think I'll get some ramen what about you guys"says hyunjin
"I'll get Jin ramen"Says Felix
"I'll get some gimpab I'm not that hungry"
"And you heesung?"
"Uh I'll get spicy tteobokki"
"Alright let's go pick somedrinks and icee cream now"
We all chose our stuff and we're lucky the convenience store had seating areas so we sat down and ate it also started drizzling outside

Chans pov:

"Oh well now that he's gone let's hangout now Channie!"
"Oh uh I have to-"
"Hmm how about we go to this cafe it's my favorite place ever!"
We arrived at the cafe and she said she was going to the restroom with that time she gave me I texted Seungmin, how could he just leave so suddenly??


Chan: Where are you?? Why did you leave so suddenly??
Read 12:05

"Channie I'm back!! What are you doing?"
"Oh just texting my mom"
"She asked where I was"
"Oh ok then let's order now"
We ordered then it was time to leave so we payed and then she told me to go roller skating I really didn't want to but it was gonna be at the same place where me and Han said our whole group should go bowling so I said why not. While walking there we walked by a convenience store and she told me she was gonna use the restroom really quickly.

Seungmin Pov:
"Hey guys I'll be right back let me use the restroom then we'll leave"
"Alright then we'll wait outside the convenience store for you"
"Ok then"
I got up and walked to the restroom but while walking I saw a girl who seemed familiar and then she turned around, it was Jiyeon.
"Oh what a nice surprise! Hi seungmin! Why did you leave so suddenly while me and my Channie were talking?"

"Oh well I forgot that I had missing assignments and I decided to go finish them"
"Such a shame me and Channie are haveing a fun day, we went to a cafe then took photos at the water fountain outside and now we're gonna go roller skating"

Oh how this girl live to make my blood boil
"Oh well I hope you had fun me and some other friends decided to go bowling so we're equal have a nice day Jiyeon!"I hope you have a bad day
"Alright then you too Seungmin, bye!"
Ugh she's so annoying

Meanwhile.. (Hyunjin POV)
"Oh hey Chan what are you doing here!"
"Oh well I'm just waiting for someone to be done with the restroom then we'll go roller skating"
"Oh I thought you were gone come with the group to go bowling?, I mean after all you and Han had the idea"
"We'll I was going to but I was kinda forced to do this"
"Oh" Then I saw the a girl come out, it's Jiyeon seungmin has told me how much she hates,her me to! I'm seungmin's bsf and he tells me everything! (Even about his crush on Chan)
And I hate that girl she has no right to be close to Chan at all!

After a while when Chan and Jiyeon where gonna leave Seungmin came out.
"Seungmin hey!"said Chan
"Hi Hyung"he said then asked to go

Chans Pov:
That's weird Seungmin is never like that hm we should talk after all of this .
"Channie what are you thinking about ?"
"Nothing really"
" oh okay"

Somebody's POV
After Chan and Jiyeon were at the roller skating place the group arrived at the bowling part of the place and seungmin saw everything, Chan and Jiyeon were holding hands then when a Chan waved at seungmin Jiyeon hugged him as soon as that happened Seungmin shut his eyes and told the group he was gonna go out for awhile. But really he was just going to leave and go back home. 20 mins have passed and Han decided to text seungmin where he was.

Han: where are you??
Seungmin: sorry I didn't feel well so I decided to go back home, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you guys
Han:don't worry it's ok!! Just tell us next time we were worrying way to much
Seungmin:ok well have fun!

Obviously the suspected something because Chan wasn't here and was with Jiyeon but they thought nothing about and let it go but Hyunjin knew something was wrong so after they all left he called seungmin and asked if he's ok
Hyunjin= Bold  Seungmin = Underline
*in call*
Hey seungmin, are you okay I know something is wrong.You can tell me im your best friend!!
I hate Jiyeon she is always getting on my nerves and she know it she was holding hands with Chan then she hugged him, when Chan was waving at me. Chan always looks so happy with her it's be absolutely no chance with him hyunjin i give up. *Seungmin then continues to cry*
Oh poor baby Seungmin don't cry please.. I'll go over right now yeah im not that far away
*sob* ok..

Hyunjin hangs up and brings some snacks over to seungmin's/ Chans shared apartment. He was guessing Han wasn't home cause Chan didn't open the door so he was probably still out with Jiyeon. He knocked on the door and seungmin opened it quickly. "Come on let's go to your room"said hyunjin

*sob* I love him hyunjin! When I was with jaejin and jaejin would hangout with Minho, sometimes Chan would be there and I saw hoe beautiful Chan was with his perfect smile, blonde curly hair, I loved him Hyung! I even fell harder when he saved me from Jaejin*sob* bus I'm guessing Chan hasn't noticed how much I really love him*sob*

Poor baby.. trust me Minnie your time will come he love you and I know it! And if he doesn't.. forget him seungmin! He doesn't realize what he's missing out on.
T-thanks hyunjin
I got you some snacks so how about you eat some of it then you go to sleep .
My head hurts plus I'm not hungry
Seungmin you barely eat anything ! Come on ill make you some hot soup for it to help you with your headache

Hyunjin made Seungmin the soup and Seungmin ate it and fell asleep quickly after hyunjin cleaned up then left seungmin the snacks.

After a while Chan came back and took a shower. He was gonna talk to Seungmin but he saw that he was asleep and didn't want to wake him up so he went to sleep to.

word count : 1588

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