Seungmin Pov:

We were walking but Jungkook stopped us because he wanted to say hi to his friend..

"Hey Minnie.."said Jennie
"That's the boy I told you about"
"Oh he there with the girl, I'm sorry Jennie"
He then hugged her

"Hey tae!!!"Said Jungkook
"Hi kook, what are you doing here?"
"Oh well Rosie invited me to go here with her and her friends and I had no plans so said why not!"
"Oh that's nice, who's that though I've never seen them"
"The boy?"
"His name is Seungmin Jennie met him in her bus and we invited him to hangout with us"Said Rosé
"Oh is he a junior"
"It's nice to meet you"said Minnie
"You too"
Jisoo and Jennie stayed silent
"Hey taehyung why are you here?"
Asked Lisa
"Oh I'm on a date with Haneul"
"Hi! Im Haneul it's a pleasure to meet you guys"
"Alright then we will leave you guys be bye"said Jungkook
"Bye!"said taehyung
"Alright where should we head to?"Said Rosé
"Lets go to that stand over there"Said Lisa
"Alright then"

"Im gonna go to the restroom I'll be quick"Said Jennie
"Ok I'll wait for you here you guys can go already"Said jisoo
"Alright after let's meet at the stand after ok?"said Minnie
"Ok bye!"

Jennie Pov:

I'm so glad this place has clean restroom unlike others. I was walking then I saw them, Taehyung waved at me. I ignored it and looked back, when I looked again over there they were kissing. I told myself never mind and ran to the restroom.

Luckily no one was in there.

After using it I washed my hands and fixed some stuff on my face. I strops there and looked in the mirror. Why do people hate me? I don't get it I never did anything to them. Am I ugly? Is that why no one likes me ? What did I do wrong? Then the door opens and I get out my thoughts and walk off.

"Hi jisoo!"
"Hi! Come one let's go now they are probably waiting for us"

No ones Pov:

They all had a great time and eventually left. Jungkook got Rosé a teddy bear and Jennie met this guy who offered her his panda plushie, he said he didn't want it so he gave it to her.
Seungmin's got home and Chan wasn't home, he was guessing he was still with Jiyeon.


Chan got home and he saw seungmin washing the dishes. "Why are you still awake? It's late already"— "Why are you barely coming home it's so late!"seungmin said with sarcasm
"Jeez someone is on their period.."
Seungmin then rolled his eyes and walked to his room.
"..Hey! Wait we need to talk"
"Seungmin why are you acting like this your so distant now.."
Seungmin's heart dropped.
"Cause I have new friends! I don't want to disappoint"
"Well I want to spend time with you.. how about now?"
"Mm sure"
They both sat down and watched a movie. 30 mins into the movie they started to cuddle. Once the movie ended seungmin was asleep so Chan carried him to to his room(chans).
Then once they were in bed Chan kissed Seungmin on the lips, just a peck nothing much.
But little did he know seungmin was awake the whole time.He woke up whenever he realized he wasn't in his bed.

Next day

"Lowkey, you ate that up .."
"The ooo, you ate that up"
"Well maybe i should become a singer"said seungmin with a kardashian voice
After getting of the bus
"Dude that was close.."
"I know right"
They both walked in and sat at the cafeteria.Surprisingly Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting there.
"Hey your the girl I have the panda to.. right"
"Oh yeah Kai correct?"
"Yeah I was just gonna ask you if you wanted to meet after school"
"Oh sure where?"
"At the park"
" Ok then text me when you will be ready to go"
While they were talking taehyung looked jealous.
"Text me?" Said taehyung
"Yeah when did you get his number?"said Lisa
"Oh on the teddy bear he gave me there was a little note that said his number and his name"
"Oh! I'm so proud of you!! Tell me how it goes after!"
"Ok then let's all go to class now bye!"
Because I'm a junior I have different classes so I went the other way.The day went by so fast and it was now dismissal time.When I headed out I saw Jiyeon kissing Chan. What a pleasant sight.

Chan Pov:
After school Jiyeon kissed me after telling me her feelings, I didn't know what to do so I kissed back once I was done I saw Seungmin running.But he was with his friend so I didn't think much of it but, he hasn't been hanging out with the group anymore.We should make a group plan.
"Lets go to cafe now"
"What are you gonna get at the cafe?"
"I said no Jiyeon I have group plans and I haven't been able to hang out with my friends so no"
"I just confessed my feelings!? Aren't you my boyfriend now?"
"I never said yes or no, I need time to think"
"Ugh whatever go hangout with that tw!nk who hangs out with girls"
"Don't call him that"
"You don't care anyways? You just leave him be why would you care?"
That's when reality hit chan.
"I have to go"
"Bye Channie"
Have I really been so stupid? I've been hurting him this whole time.. he thinks I don't care about him..
I got home before Seungmin and just went in his room.

In the bus(seungmin pov)
" Unnie do you really like Kai?"
" I don't like like him but he's sweet.. I might fall in love.But I would never play with someone feelings, I know what it feels like so I wouldn't"
"Oh..I'm sorry Jennie,let's hope this year will be better"
"Yea.. wait this is our stop"
" Alright then bye"
" bye!! I'll text you later"
" ok, bye!!"

I got home and saw Chan wasn't here so I went to my room, I was wrong. Why is he in my room?
"Hey Minnie"
"Why are you here?"
"Jeez someone is still on their period, I'll buy you snacks if you want so you calm down"
"Nah you probably spent your money on Jiyeon"
"C'mon let me treat you, that way you'll stop being on your period"
"Told you"
"Shut up"
They got their snacks and once they got home they both ate while watching a show.

I'm ending it here because I'm tired and I need to eat bye
Oh yeah one last thing Chan didn't realize Seungmin loves him he only realized that seungmin probably thinks he doesn't care about him.

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