"What the hell was that?"

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Hyunjin hit the locker again and landed on the floor. He winced as he stood up, "What the hell...", he turned and saw the brunette running down the hall. He stared for a few seconds before huffed and started chasing after him.

Minho didn't stop. He wasn't sure if the taller would be behind him or not but he didn't want to find out. He kept running until he made it to a wooded area. He panted and put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. After a few seconds, he put his paper back into his bag as he walked slowly, the leaves crunching under his feet

"What were you thinking?", a voice said.

Minho's head shot up and he turned around to see a red faced Hyunjin staring at him. His fists clenched. "J-just leave me alone", the boy stuttered, his voice shaking a bit. This kid really wasn't going away. He chased him this far, surely Minho was done for.

"Leave you alone?", Hyunjin repeated, walking towards him slower with a slight smile on his face, "I can't just leave you alone because you want me to...that'd be no fun", he said in a mocking tone. He quickly grabbed the boy's shirt again, balling it into a fist in his hand.

"Stop it, let me go", Minho yelled, attempting to put the boy away.

"Do you think that'll hurt or something?", he asked, tilting his head after Minho scratched his arm. The brunette kept pushing and scratching at him, yelling loudly to get away.

Hyunjun's smirk fades and he becomes visibly mad. Minho manages to kick him away, causing him to stumble back a bit. The taller grits his teeth and tries to grab the boy's arm again. The brunette's eyes widen when he sees Hyunjin trying to grab him, he pushes his hand out to shield himself but instead, the boy flies back, hitting a tree. Minho's eyes widened more and he pulled his hand back in, looking at it.

Hyunjin groans in pain and looks at Minho with a stunned yet angry expression, "What the hell was that? Are you trying to kill me or something?", he stands up, dusting himself off, dirt clinging to the sleeve of his shirt. Minho stared at him his hands trembling, as if Hyunjin wasn't trying to do the same thing to him. 


"Oh so now you're too afraid to say anything?", Hyunjin scoffed and walked up to him again, "I really feel like breaking your arm now...".

The older pulled his arm away, trying to stay away from him, he stepped over a few branches and tried to run but was grabbed again. 

Hyunjin dug his nails into the brunette's wrist and pushed him up against a tree. "Stop running, you're just making it worse. You know what..", he says lowly, looking down at Minho. The male just looked up at him in shock with pure terror in his eyes. "I might actually just break both of your arms. Then you won't be able to read your dumb romance novels", he laughed.

Minho snapped out of his daze and started to kick again, "Stop! Let me go", he yelled.

Hyunjin just laughed and pushed his elbow into Minho's chest, keeping him shoved up against the tree.

Minho whimpered weakly, the pain immediately hitting his head. The taller stared into his watery eyes, now pushing his forearm against his throat.

The brunette's eyebrows cowered in pain and he inhaled before letting out a scream, a scream that traveled, a scream that picked up large branches. Sticks, and leaves fly past and circle around the two boys. It was loud and it sent Hyunjin flying away again. The boy is stunned when he hits a tree again, once again having been thrown a few feet from where he was. He grits his teeth in pain and rubs his head, "What the hell..was that?", he asked breathlessly, standing up, and holding his neck to lessen the pain. 

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