"I think it's me"

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Minho just stared down at his fingers which had a red fluid on them. Hyunjin walked up to him, seemingly more pissed than he was before, "what did you do?", he shouted, grabbing the boy's collar with one hand.

 "I...I don't know", the brunette replied, his voice quiet. 

Then Hyunjin seems to be in a fit of rage, "oh really? You don't know? You're such a liar", he scoffs, shoving the boy against a tree again.

"You're not going to be able to read a single sentence in that stupid book of yours", he grumbled, grabbing the boy's arms. Minho tried many times to pull away but it was useless, Hyunjin was simply just stronger than him at that moment. His grip was like a steel trap, he wasn't getting free..

The taller grips the boy's arms and begins to bend it.

Minho tried to pull away but it only made the pain worse. He felt the boy digging his nails into his skin and yanking on his arm, he let out a scream of sheer pain and shut his eyes.

After a few seconds, the pain stopped and he opened his eyes slowly. Shock..maybe? No, his arms were fine. He looked down to see the black haired boy on the ground looking around, completely flabbergasted.

"What the hell...How the-",he looked up at Minho from the ground in utter shock. He stood up quickly and turned around, scanning the scene.

"What..", Minho whispered to himself, as he scanned the area with wide eyes. The space that was so full of standing trees is now covered in fallen ones with their roots ripped from the ground.

Hyunjin stepped back a bit, looking a bit disturbed, he looked all around him at the trees that had been knocked over. "This isn't..", he says to himself before turning and looking at Minho. The brunette faced him too his eyes still wide. "What the hell happened?", he squints and walks up to him again, shouting, "Answer me and don't you lie to me you freak".

Minho flinched when the male tried to grab him again, he pushed his hand out slightly and stepped back causing Hyunjin to fly back again, this time not as far as before. The older gasped a bit and covered his mouth as Hyunjin fell to the ground and looked up at him in anger, "so you did do it..let me remind you how things work around here", he said firmly, grabbing the boy's wrist again after standing up. 

"Don't you see what's happening!? The trees...how did.."

Hyunjin finally registered the scene and he moved away from the other boy, "What the hell...", he whispered to himself.

Minho looked down at his hands which were slightly trembling, "I..I think it's me"

to be loved~ hyunhoWhere stories live. Discover now