"We're just friends"

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Minju, Minho's aunt turns and looks at him over her glasses as she was in the middle of cooking something, "Minho, oh my dear, how've you been",she cheered, rushing over to hug him.
The boy stared blankly,engulfed by the hug, "I-i;ve been fine."

"So where've you been?", she asked, leaning off of him and looking at his face. 

"Just out..", he mumbled nervously.

"Out with a boy?", she asked, her face turning into a look of slight disgust.

"N-no! I mean yes, but he's just a friend",he explained, moving away from her slightly. 

Minju's look of disgust grew, "So it was a boy, who is this boy?"

"No one, we just went to the park and the library, that's it".

"The park? Was this boy older than you, MInho? Was he.. I don't know, your 'boyfriend' or something?" She kept asking him questions, he hated her. She made the worst assumptions, every time she came to visit he'd be interrogated.

"No he's only a bit younger and he's not my boyfriend, we're just friends".

She gave him a smug look, "ah yes, the park, I'm sure you and this boy did a lot of things beside just talking, didn't you", she shook her head.

Minho shook his head quickly, he opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off, "I've lived for long enough Minho, I'm old enough to know that boys and girls hanging out together could also mean more than just talking".

"Yeah well I'm not a girl autie, we are just friends, we basically just met".

The woman scoffed and leaned against the table, "if you say so Minho, but you're a bit too feminine, I mean your hair is getting long now, isnt it", she chuckled.

The brunette touched his bangs, they covered his eyes slightly, he would admit that his hair had gotten a bit long but not long enough to be called a girl, "it's not that long",he mumbled.

His aunt laughed, the tone frustrating him, "Minho, how does this friend look? Hi he tall? Strong? I bet he's handsome, huh?",she teased, a smug expression on her face as she walked over.

"Is grandma here?", he said quietly, desperately trying to change the subject.

Minju rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh, "No, Minho, your grandma is not here. Are you trying to change the topic?

You have something to hide?", she puts her hands on her hips, speaking in a condescending tone.

The boy shook his head causing her expression to darken a bit, her brows raised, "I know when youre lying to me, you know that? Why cant you just tell me the full truth?" Are you lying to me cause youre embarrassed that you like that boy?"

"Stop it", Minho said under his breath.

"Oh, so you do, you see each other often?"

"We only became friends yesterday", he responded. If his aunt knew Hyunjin was his bully just before yesterday the teasing would never end.

"So youre telling me that you spent hours with a boy you barely know? Thats odd, spending so much time alone with him..and you say you guys arent together? You sure know how to lie Minho, I'll give you that", she mocks him, tilting her head and smirking.

"Stop it, we are just friends", Minho enunciates, balling his fists up, trying to control himself.

"Aw, did I hit a nerve? It's obvious the boy wouldnt return your feelings anyway".

The brunette let out a breath through his teeth and a burning smell filled the room. Minju's face went from smiling to startled as she smelt the food bruning, "the food! I'm burning the food!", she shouts, running to pull the food off the stove. "How long was I talking?",she acts, looking back at Minho with a panicked expression on her face.

Minho finally looked up and shrugged a bit,"too long", he left the room and went upstairs.

to be loved~ hyunhoΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα