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He walked up the steps and looked around, "grandma?",he called out, opening the door. The room was empty so he hummed softly before going to his own. He sat on his bed and pulled out his phone.

Minju finishes cleaning up after remaking the food, she whipped out her phone with a small smirk on his face, "he's here. Hes been acting strange. I think it happened, when are you coming?"

The brunette let out a sigh before looking around his room. He pulls out his laptop to research, pulling up an article before grabbing his phone and calling Hyunjin. The other male quickly answered, "Hello? Hey Minho."

He waved at him before speaking,"Um Hyunjin, my aunt is here. "

A confused expression covers his face but he nods,"Your..aunt? Why are you telling me that?"

"Because she's..weird. If she sees you and acts weird please don't question it. Just tell her we're friends, okay?", he looked at him through the phone.

"What do you mean 'she's weird', why?"
"She just accuses me of stuff. Shes also kinda shady"

"I dont really understand Minho..shady? Did she do anything to you?", he asked, a look of concern on his expression.

"No..its just,, ever since I turned 15 she's been weird, when I turned 16 it got worse. It's like shes..I dunno, like she's waiting for something..it weir- what the..",his voice trailed off and he pushed his laptop aside. Looking through the blinds of the window.

"Is she mean to you? Huh? What is it?", Hyunjin asked when he saw Minho get up.

"There are cars here."

Hyunjin sits up a bit, still looking at the phone,"What cars? How many cars?"

"They don't belong to my aunt or my grandma. Also my grandma isnt here, there's like 5 of them", he replied, his voice shaking from nervousness.

"Thats odd, why would there be..if your aunt is never..",he mumbled to himself, trying to organize his thoughts, he spoke up again, his voice laced with curiosity and concern,"Are the cars all black?"

Minho turned off his light and then went back to the window,"My aunt doesn't even live here, why would she invite so many people over..yeah they're all black".

"Do they have an insignia? Any company name?"

The brunette squinted at the cars, "They..theyre power plant cars",he gasped softly when one of the car doors opened, a man with a suit got out of the vehicle. He turned the camera around to show Hyunjin.

"What would power plant cars be doing at your place Minho?", Hyunjin mumbled, thoughts swirling his mind as he looked at the phone screen.

Trying to see what was happening on the other boy's side. "Do you know that man?"

"No, he doesnt even look like he works at a power plant"

"I think you should stay away from the window. It could be dangerous, lock your door please", Hyunjin told him, his voice laced with concern.

Minho opened his mouth to speak but stopped when he heard a knock at the door and his aunt calling his name.

'Tell her you're busy or something",the boy whispered in a worried tone.

"Sorry, Im about to shower is there anything you need?", he yelled through the door after locking it.

"Keep me updated, ok? Im gonna do some investigating, I'll be there as soon as I can"

"Wait what?", Minho whispered loudly, his eyes widening as he moved from the door so his aunt couldnt hear, "No, dont come over. Shes going to freak out".

Hyunjin's brows furrowed a bit and he stopped moving, "Why would she freak out about me coming over, you told her I was your friend, right?"

The older boy let out a sigh as he sat on his bed,"Yeah but I told you she was weird"

"Fine..but im still concerned so keep me updated."

Minho nodded and then ran to the window,watching as all of the cars pull away.

He let out a sigh of relief,"theyre gone"

'What about your aunt, she gone?"

He shook his head,"no..probably getting read for bed. I still dont know where my grandma is..maybe she's working graveyard and just forgot to tell me. I'll know by tomorrow , its fine for now. Im a bit tired but thanks for answering",Minho told him.

"No problem, be careful, okay? We can talk tomorrow morning, goodnight",the younger boy said before hanging up.

Minho hummed and waved before laying down in his bed, after a few seconds he was fast asleep, curled up under his blanket.

In the morning Hyunjin called Minho, the boy answered but was still asleep, talking in a groggy voice.

"Minho wake up",he whispers, chuckling softly.

After a few minutes he sat up and wiped his eyes, "okay im up", he turned around after standing up to catch his balance, noticing Hyunjins face on his phone,"oh hi when did we get on the phone?"

He laughed, "I called to see if you were alright, your grandma make it back yet?"

"I havent checked, hold on", the brunette responded.

He left the room and tiptoed across the hall, opening the door to grandmother's room  He saw her laying under her blanket and smiled softly before closing the door, He heard pots clinging as he walked back to his room which led him to assume his aunt was cooking.

"She's here, sleeping."

"Okay that's good so you wanna meet up today?", Hyunjin asked, some shuffling heard as he went through his closet.

"Yeah sure".

"How about meeting up a little later, like around noon?"

"Sounds good I'll meet you at the park", MInho said before hanging up.

He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth before going to get dressed, putting on a gray hoodie and black jeans then walking down the stairs. He stared at his aunt as she cooked, grabbing a granola bar and starting to eat it, "morning".

Minju turned around and stared at him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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